Signs Leading To The Cottage

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June 21, 1885

Eamon noticed Theracota's dress was tattered at the bottom as she walked beside him in a rhythm that was far from tempting as her dominant trait was suppose to exude. He did not trust nor like moon witches, so why was he here helping this one find a safe haven? He was no hero, borderline psychotic, trouble making, soulless creature that even his parents had trouble taming, as the scars along his stomach proved. His father had a thing for core burning. Thinking about his father with each movement of his feet now,  Eamon growled with a glint of respectful reproach he could not hide from his eyes.

Theracota tried to block out Eamon's growling so she could ignore the fact she was walking with her enemy, so why did she have these fleeting feelings of friendship for this animal grumbling beside her? His grouchy demeanor was not charming but he had healed her, which surprised her in the very smallest place of her heart, the tender part. Looking at her hand she did notice raising it up to her face that it held a pungent smell, strong and quite trashy whiffs of odor that made her gag out loud. She needed a bath. Not only did her hand smell but she had muddy feet, sweat that had dried sticking her breasts together leaving her with a vinegary aromatic bosom, and those were the cleanest parts of her. She stunk  so bad  she was making her own self nauseous.

The sound of Theracota's gagging annoyed Eamon to no end so he shouted angrily at her " Witch, please,can't you just hold your nose til we get to the cottage? I am sure you won't have to smell me long after we get there, I will be happy to leave you alone." Eamon stealthily walked faster snorting through his nose.

"It's not  you, I just ...ugh ... " Theracota ran off beside the nearest tree and holding onto the bark vomited up her dinner from last night, all of it gushing out onto the ground. Then she weakly knelt down on the opposite side of the tree, Looking up into the kindest eyes that held so much worry over her, thinking that in an odd way his wolfish appearance was quite handsome.

Eamon watched Theracota's weakness with a gnawing feeling of helplessness grabbing control of his mind. Once Theracota knelt down, Eamon walked away, traveling three trees down and grabbed some blue berries the shape of a diamond in his rough hands, picking them off with haste.

Theracota's tears threatened to fall as she seen Eamon leave her, not bothering to call to him or strain her eyes to follow his footsteps past what she could easily see, she was too weak for that. This is how she was going to die she thought, in the woods of her enemy, all alone. That was the last thought Theracota had before she passed out. 


May 13, 2016

"Read it again, you are getting something wrong." Bertha said with her hands on her hips watching Olga with a skeptical look.

In Olga's hands was a thickly binded book called "Legends Of The Moon Tribes" which held all the stories and secrets of all the Moon Witch families in both the Americas and Europe. The elders were the only ones who was suppose to know what these pages held, but the triplets had easily found it in the trunk under Trina's bed just a week ago.

Bertha had spent years searching for the legend book when it was right under her nose all this time, not even under a protection spell. Bertha had been livid and wanted to throw it in Trina's face as soon as they found it but she kept calm enough not too, once she read about Theracota and Eamon. Which only led to lots of questions, the secrets had to have more to it than that and the triplets were gonna find it ALL out. It was there destiny, Bertha could feel it.

Aggravated now  at Bertha's arrogance, Olga's tone of voice changed from skittish to viper in moments "It says, the first sign of the cottage is the bludgeondary berry tree. The tree with the purple leaves and diamond shaped blue berries that hold thistle juice to cure and aid the sick from the inside out." Holding the book out for Bertha to read for herself.

Ignoring Olga's tone Bertha sniffed loudly "Well it must be here, lets keep moving then, shall we."

Letisha with aching feet followed her sister's into the woods deeper in search of the haven cottage. something catching her eyes in the distance, looked like a winged woman from here Letisha thought to herself. Shaking her head she cleared the image from her mind, laughing inside at herself. Witches and Wolves don't have they ??

coming soon "Trina's Decision"

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