Signs Of A Change

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June 13, 2016
In Crescent City the moon was more than a night light, more than a big ball hanging in the sky after the sunset, it was survival, magic, strength to all the beings that shared the land. Something about the moon tonight was off, if you were to look at it with your human eyes you would not catch it, but the animals, the witches, the fairies and crazy old elders,well,they see it. Powerless and confused to see it, but they do know its not the same vibrant color it once was.
Tucker kept looking at the pot melting the wax and wondered where the fire was coming from. He bent down and seen what resembled two tiny burners made out of pink glass under the black pot, but there were no fires coming out the tiny pin prickled holes. Yet when he touched it he yelped back in pain, seeing his hand grow a dark red splotchy mess, he had gotten burned.
Laughing hardly Mr. Cattatorie rushed over to Tucker "So you think they no fire under there, just cause you can see it?" Laughing and holding his tummy he wiped his eyes where laugh tears had formed. With the salty tears popped up like dew on his hand he rubbed Tucker's burnt hand vigorously.
Stunned at first Tucker felt the intense pain but before he could jerk away or scold his crazy boss, he noticed his hand was normal, no longer burned. Wide eyed he just stared at his fingers, feeling his knuckles tighten and relax without pain. Tucker mumbled "thanks" and continued to stir the melting pot of candle goo.
Tucker had seen lots of odd things since he came to live with his grandma. Trees that burst into flames, People running at speeds so fast it felt like wind next to you of hurricane forces, odd little languages he had never heard before from people midget sized, but no one was as odd as the man staring at him now. Mr. Cattorie looked a right fool with his feathered hat, bell bottom pants of yellow and gold teeth shining up at him. Gulping Tucker admitted to himself this deeply disturbed him. Was he losing his mind? Or had this man lost his mind??
Mr. Cattorie could hear Tucker's thoughts and was deeply worried this was going to take longer than he had originally thought. They were going to run out of time soon, he debated on telling Tucker everything, what did he have to lose? He already thought he was a crazy old man....decisions....decisions. The moon was watching, waiting and dying a little more every night that Tucker got it wrong, it was all in his hands, his hands held survival for the whole of Crescent City and the only one who knew was a crazy old man with gold teeth, yellow bell bottoms and a hat decorated of tiny little feathers.

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