Liars & Theives

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June 31, 1890

Isadora watched in her invisible form from a few feet away, laughing softly at the wolves and the human named Claire, as Isadora came up with a playful game to play with the outcasts. She had shown her youngest sibling Fanny how to become invisible earlier that morning and she held on tight to her hand. Isadora closed her eyes so she could see Fanny clearly and grabbed the little fairy by the waist, sitting her on top of the figgleworm mushroom. Holding a finger to her lips in the quiet motion Isadora whispered in her ear " stay here and don't say a word" .

Claire was watching the moon with longing wishing she knew how to fix it, make it normal again, save her and her wolves. Sighing she got down on one knee and for the first time in 5 years knelt down to really pray, not fake pray next to her mama like she had been doing, honest praying, once again believing in a creator.
"Dear lord, please send me a sign, show me what path to take. Bring me an angel to help guide me the right way to go, in your arms I lay my heavy burden, knowing your strength is boundless. Our father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, give us this day our daily bread, forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, lead us not into temptation, deliver us from evil" Claire stopped momentarily as a vision of her mother with a switch in her hand made her shiver, but she gathered herself mind and body once more "for thine is the kingdom, the power the glory, forever, as it was in the beginning and ever shall be, a world without end, Amen." Getting up unfolding her stiff hands Claire was startled by a little girls giggle next to her.

Isadora flew up above Claire and in a sincere deeper voice saying "human, I have been sent down to you in your time of need" Isadora felt no fear or remorse because she knew of no religion or even what an angel was, but they wasn't going to stop her from pretending to be one.

Claire almost got whiplash from moving her head left and then right seeing noone. She swallowed "I thought you would have a halo and wings?" She said murmuring to herself.

"What is a halo? I do have wings but you can't see them" as if to prove it Isadora bumped her left wing on Claire's right shoulder.

Claire looked up feeling the feathery touch of wings and relaxed. "Thank you dear lord for the gift of this Angel you brought to me tonight."

Isadora giggled again, humans were so easy to fool. "What may I help you with human?"

"How do I fix the moon?" Claire asked hopefully believing a way was now possible for why else would the lord have sent down an Angel if there was no way to solve the moon's slow destruction.

Channeling her mom's voice Isadora spoke all knowingly "you have to find the deception, before the moon gets tired of all the lies, you must find the deception before you run out of time"

Claire eyes glinting a new purpose in her thoughts spoke "deception? Where? Who?"

Isadora for a moment thought of just saying a random riddle but then she smiled thinking of the cottage and what her little eyes spied between the wolf Eamon and that moon witch that he was hiding. "Go to the cottage, the one on the east far away , deep in the woods"

Sable came running up to Claire then "who you talking to Miss Claire?"

Isadora floated away grabbing fanny off the mushroom before Sable could catch her sent.

Fanny held firmly with chubby tight fingers a small trinket in the palm of her hand. She had stolen the trinket from Claire's bag, Claire had dropped the bag that held all her belongings next to the mushroom before she had prayed. The trinket was a figurine of a woman saint, with wings colored pale ivory and hair dark golden brown, long and flowing. Fanny loved the trinket so much she wasn't about to let anyone see, so she slipped it in her dress pouch and buttoned it up safe and sound. Isadora never knowing and that was a big problem.

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