No Fear, No Glory

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Ericstoff was chewing on a bone he had gotten from the freezer, staring straight at Ivy with a look of curiosity "I can't believe they got past you." Speaking about the moon witch triplets of course.

The large room was now suffocating, Ivy feeling small inside began to give in to the bitter anger rising upon her strong cheekbones that were darker and foreboding of troubles coming  "I am not afraid of those twats, nor will they escape me forever." Ivy's growl was long, bold and determined.

A image of Bertha floated into Ivy' mind. Ivy holding Bertha down and then Bertha's teeth biting into Ivy's hairy strong flesh..with those sharp teeth of magic. So much magic Ivy had to keep out of her veins it had weakened her enough for the soft blows of Bertha's to penetrate her enough to knock her out, the wolves were in for it, a long battle of wills. Ivy wondered how long they could keep the moon witch magic out of their woods. It would drain them all eventually if the triplets were not found and if they were not taken care of, and it wouldn't take long either. Ivy also wondered if any of her blood Bertha had digested when she had bitten her. Ivy had seen it dripping from Bertha's mouth before Ivy had passed out. Ivy most curious if Bertha knows about the legend of what mixing their bloods would do? Maybe just maybe the moon witches were not as naively innocent as they appeared. So many unanswered questions shouting in her mind.

The questions quieted however when Ivy began to shiver from a crisp wind that filled the room as Elishaman, the youngest Wolf Witch strutted in Ericstoff's office making Ivy forget Bertha for a few moments and focusing on the long dark hair that always glistened like it was moonshine reincarnated, gulping down envy, Ivy stared longingly at her younger, prettier, thinner, much thinner sister.

Elishaman felt Ivy's stare like a scratch down the back, smarting pain in deep curt strokes.  Ignoring it Elishaman walked over to Ericstoff and rubbed her cheeks up against both of his in greeting, kneeling down with the offering of fruits and fresh raw meat from the forest just below the woods where the best nibbles were always found. Elishaman and Stacey were the food hunters of the group, seeming to be a dangerous job on the surface but honestly it was the safest of all the wolf jobs.

Elishaman with her back still turned towards Ivy, said to her in a fake sweet tone of voice"Your breakfast is in the kitchen, I brought you some lean meat" smiling softly glancing at Ivy now Elishaman not hiding the challenge in her voice " I figure you have enough umm fat at the moment, might be best to get a bit more toned for the battle we are facing."

Ivy knowing Elishaman was just goading her into a squabble in front of there elder, Ericstoff, so Ivy did not play into her hands. Mustering up every bit of control she had Ivy smiled a sweet smile back at Elishaman laced with threats only Elishaman would recognize, a woman's intuition. "thank you for thinking of me, but I got some tasty nibbles all on my own this morning on the way back home. You can tell Sentra he can have mine."

Elishaman howled with laughter as if she were singing "oh yes, a little emotional eating from your defeat of the moon witches. that is understandable." Elishaman walking over took her long sharp wolf nails and patted Ivy's stomach softly. "Better do some exercising though or else you won't be able to track them down ...again."

Ivy pushed Elishaman's hand away and snapped right up in her face growling. Elishaman ready and willing, snapped back, which led the wolf sisters to getting all  tangled up in the floor not really hurting each other but getting aggravation out so Ericstoff looked at them unworried, instead of stopping them he just sat back and started eating with a bit of amusement, growling in satisfaction.

coming soon "Signs Leading To The Cottage"

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