Signs Of Hope

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June 28, 1890

Isadora was mumbling to herself, out in the woods, when she came upon a slit into the path, the grass disappeared and the dirt of the earth had opened up for a short distance leading to the wolves territory. She stopped and straddled the slit, one of her feet on each side. The opening was rough edged and looked to be a foot and a half wide. Seeing something glowing down below Isadora peeked into the jagged open line and seen a red and gold liquid running from below her. Eyes wide she almost fell in but grabbed onto a sycamore branch beside her and jumped away from the opening just as she felt the moon quake again, for the third time that night. Torn between wanting to find out what the liquid was and fearing it enough to run home was the wheel spinning  inside Isadora's mind right now, it stopped at finding out what the liquid was, her nosiness stronger than her fear.
"Ah, so you found it too!" Jules Spark called down to Isadora as she perched on top the fairy trim bush. A huge bush of dark green and silver glittery leaves.
At the sound of her best friend's voice Isadora flapped her wings and flew swiftly up to where Jules was sitting, perching next to her and giggled. "What is that running under the earthquakes opening?"
Jules giggled back "I don't know but keep watching! Any minute now, something else is gonna happen." Jules excitement was evident in her sparkling eyes that wasn't even blinking at the ground below them.
Isadora and Jules watched as the red and gold liquid spewed faintly onto the grassy areas and the tree bottoms. It smelled of sweet treats, like cupcakes, licorice and soda pop. Isadora took in the smell with pleasure. She noticed it made her light headed though, so she closed her eyes briefly. When she opened her eyes, she was alone, Jules was gone.
Isadora became frightened and flew off the fairy bush in a rush. She heard Jules giggle and felt a poke in her ribs. "Jules where are you?" Isadora yelled with irritation laced heavily in her voice.
Jules swirled around Isadora only visible as golden light dust "Close your eyes, Izzy, then you'll see me."
When Isadora closed her eyes instead of darkness, everything was as it was before, only with a pinkish hue and Isadora seen Jules clearly smiling down at her upside hanging on the sycamore branch like a monkey would.
Jules laughed loudly when Isadora gasped. "Don't worry, we will go back to normal when the sun rises." Jules said knowingly.
"This has happened to you before?" Isadora asked shocked and a little hurt that her best friend would keep it a secret from her.
Jules rolled her eyes "sensitive soul! It only happened to me yesterday, I was gonna tell ya but you were never outside where I could."
It was true Isadora parents had made the prism fairies stay indoors yesterday, all her cousins, uncles, aunts, all the family had held prayer vigils for the moon, afraid of the earthquakes and changes. Only tonight had she been allowed to go out.
Smiling then, Isadora kept her eyes closed and started a game of cloud tag. Her favorite game where you tag a fairy under a cloud that looks like animals. Back and forth Isadora and Jules played as Invisible fairy dusts, going in between the rainbow appearing boldly in disguise, the second sign of hope, the first sign of hope being the magic waters under the earth they were playing over.

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