The Sacrifices

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Isadora woke up in the middle of the day, drenched in sweat. Rattled by Laverne and her titanium teeth that jabbed out pieces of her flesh like it was confetti, in her daymare . She reached for her pink terry cloth robe that was lying on the floor and put it on. She was not use to the feel of softness on her skin but that human boy, Benson, he gave her the oddest looks as he stared at her naked, pruned skin so she had to cover herself up til he left. She was wondering if he ever was going to leave. Her parched lips demanded some plum juice, so she wrapped the robe around her in a big knot and started her way towards the kitchen.

Slitting open Kristy's door a bit, Isadora peeks in with a smile that quickly fades. "what is going on here?" she rushes over to Kristy's bed and jars her and her visitor sleeping beside her.

Kristy opens her eyes, staring at Isadora in disbelief. "Auntie, why are you here?"

Isadora in a rage, red cheeked so bright it looked like she might start bleeding at any moment she said in a heated tone "why is she here?"

Kristy looks at Ivy sleeping peacefully and puts her fingers to her lips getting up quickly and taking Isadora by the arm. 

Isadora jerks away from Kristy and walks ahead of her into the kitchen sitting down in a wooden chair that has eight legs on it. Kristy sits down too and stares defiantly into her aunt's face. saying strongly "I love her."

Isadora shook her head in disgust "stupid girl, wolves are not to be loved."


Tucker looked at Mr. Cattorie mixing the latest potion. "Does this look right?" he asked him curiously. 

"What is right? What is wrong?" Mr. Cattorie said smiling.

Tucker sighed loudly. He should have known he would get a riddle from the man who was suppose to be teaching him how to save the world, from the big bad moon.  

The yellow blue potion was changing colors and growing in the cauldron. What once was an ounce of liquid was now at least a quart. It almost looked like a small lake swirling around. 

Mr. Cattorie said "ooh we are getting a vital piece of info now. Keep watching boy."

Tucker was intently watching the swirling liquids then it stopped and like a mirror he could see three reflections, two wolves and one fairy. the two wolves seemed male and the fairy was a older woman. Then they disappeared. 

Mr. Cattorie pursed his lips sighing. "Dear oh dear, three, well last time It was four."

Tucker confused asked "What are you mumbling about?"

Mr. Cattorie replied non nonchalantly "those are to be the sacrifices." 

Tucker raised an eyebrow "Sacrifices?"

Mr. Cattorie continued "yes, you will have to go find them and give them to the moon. They must burn into limbo till the world has learned it's lesson."

Tucker angrily spit out "I will do no such thing!"

Mr. Cattorie laughed. "you look just like your grandma, all feisty and defiant." his laughter stopped and he got serious for once "but she learned as you will, if they don't burn we all will burn and the world will belong to no one. "

Tucker confused said "My grandma, what has she got to do with any of this?"

Mr. Cattorie smiled deeply showing his colored neon teeth "My boy, she was the savior, and the one who sacrificed up the others the first time. Claire."

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