Trouble Always Comes In Three's

2 0 0

May 11, 2016

Bertha moved her hands awkwardly on the steering wheel feeling a rush of excitement. "We made it out this time girls, we actually made it."

Letisha smiled bright sticking out her lower lip, pouting "I wish we could have stayed at the car rental place a little longer, Eric was cute."

Eric was the older receptionist that had picked out the fine machine that Bertha was now driving, They were borrowing it indefinitely but Eric did not know that, or that he had been under a magic spell most of the day either. When you have no money well you got to find a way to get things and for witches, magic is the natural option, this ride was on Eric, using his credit card. 

Bertha laughed "Letty you think every man is cute."

Olga smirked "It's true, and you are suppose to be the loyal one." Olga rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

"I am loyal to my sisters, no one else." Letisha said and scowled back at Olga.

"Loyal to certain sisters you mean,we aren't being too loyal to the twins right now or Trina." Olga said pointedly looking at the back of Bertha's head that bobbed from taking a sharp right turn.

At the mention of Trina's name Bertha got stiff and lost control of the car for a moment, Trina was more like an enemy that a sister Bertha thought. They never agreed on anything, ever. She did not desire to ever see Trina again.

"I don't have a good feeling about this." Olga said quietly.

Now it was Bertha's turn to roll her eyes, she looked back at Olga briefly "Don't start with your premonition feelings of doom." then focused back on the road, that was empty except for them because fog was so thick that you couldn't see your hand in front of it.

Olga was not done spreading her negative thoughts however and continued "How are we even suppose to see the glow of the water through all this fog?"

As if to answer Olga's question right at that moment a pinkish red glow was sparkling up ahead from up above the trees in the woods and all three witches seen it at the same time.

Letisha let out a squeal "There it is!"

Olga gaped at the sight with a sick feeling, sarcastically saying "Whoopee, we have lived a good life, now It's time for the Wolf Witches to come out and eat us."

Bertha ignored both of them and pulled the car over to the side of the road, putting the keys in her purse. She was enchanted by the site before her, such a warm feeling started from the top of her head to her toes.

Bertha got out of the car slowly, just standing there a few minutes, feeling more than anything her mother's love. This is what she needed she knew it in her heart, she had to get the answers, and her instincts told her these woods was the only place that held those answers. Trina just did not understand, she needed to know, she lived her whole life with this question just hanging there, it was time to find out, who was there father, cause although he claimed them as there own, Blaine was not there birth father, so who was?

Hand in hand trouble times three entered the howling woods early that morning as the sun was just rising.

coming soon "Why Laugh When You Can Howl?"

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