Pride & Vanity

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May 17, 2016

Ericstoff looked at the stubble on his chin with an enjoyment that was rare for him, normally he hates looking at his reflection but today is different,with a seductive snarl Ericstoff's mind goes to Bertha..the feisty moon witch. From the first moment he seen her bite down on Ivy's hand he knew..finally ..he found his mate. Now he just had to convince her that he was more than an animal, he beat his chest with a long grey clawed hand thumping it as to prove to himself their was a heart underneath all that fur.

Bertha watched the moon slowly slip out of sight wondering if she was ever going to have this emptiness in her filled. She missed her mother so much, the smile, the scent of her, the knowing when she got in trouble she would be there with a hug and hot cup of cocoa. Following with her eyes where the sun began to glow, Bertha looked at her sisters snuggled up against the huge tree that held the berries they had been searching for. One victory down, now six more to go. Then they will reach the cottage and she will get her answers, hopefully.

"Come on sleepy heads, time to rise and go find that magical place." Bertha said excited.

"Ugh, its too early, my legs are killing me..need more rest." Olga grumbled turning over so the sun wouldn't hurt her eyes.

Letisha opening one eye and seeing the scowl on Bertha's face,wanting to avoid another argument between her siblings said " have you been up all night Bee?"

"Yes, I am too excited to sleep." Bertha said with a giggle.

Olga sat up then hearing Bertha's laugh. " there is something different about, can't place what it is but its really odd." She said looking at Bertha's face closely.

Bertha just rolled her eyes at Olga and started walking, smiling at her grumbling sisters that kept yelling at her from behind to slow down. How could Bertha slow down when she felt like she was going to fly?

Tucker patted his best friend, Benson on the back a bit hard as they walked down the empty street together laughing and sharing a bottle of courage. "You sure are a sight for sore eyes, coming down here to visit me Budd." Tucker said with a belch. Handing the bottle back to Benson he wondered if maybe he had reached his limit.

"I am being completely selfish , need you to come back home so I can get your money from ya" Benson said with a wink and patted Tucker's back also and took a long drink of liquid courage. Tucker and him both like to dabble in a good game of craps, and eight out of ten times Tucker ends up broke to Benson.

"Well nature calls." Benson tells Tucker handing him the bottle and going off into the woods beside him to let out some of that liquid courage.

Tucker stands outside the woods waiting for Benson to come out from one of the large spiney trees but he never does. So after an hour passes Tucker goes into the woods himself to look for him.

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