The Final Twenty-Four | 8

Start from the beginning

"Don't worry about who spilled the beans. Just remember to watch who you're close with and use the term 'friend' wisely."

"So somebody I'm close with snitched on me?"

"Yes. This person knows you very well and they turned you in as well as the other two young men you robbed with."

"That I did it? They told you I was one of the guys who robbed that bank?" I asked.

"You fit the description. A young, short, black man."

"The hell? There's plenty of young, short, black men in this city. And now all of a sudden this person who I'm close with decides to point the finger at me?"

"I'll ask you one last time. Did you rob that bank? And don't lie. It's a yes or no question."

I sighed and looked away. This is how you know I'm about to lie but the only people that knows are the ones who know me personally.

I just hope this doesn't come back to haunt me. I'm already in a lot of shit right now, I can't take anything else.

"I'm waiting," he said "did you or did you not rob that bank with two other young men?"

I took a deep breathe. "Nah. I didn't rob that bank. And I don't appreciate who ever this person is, for falsely accusing me. This is bullshit," I spat.

He smirked. "Alright, I'll take your word. And I apologize for accusing you as well. Now I don't know if you're lieing or not but I'll tell you this; if you're lieing, I guarantee it's gonna come back to bite you in the ass."

"I'm clean."

"Okay," he nodded "so you don't know anything about the robbery? Anything at all?"

I shook my head.

"Are you sure?"

I nodded.

"Okay. We'll see."

I turned my car back on and headed home. It's about one thirty in the morning and I have like six things to accomplish on my to-do list and I gotta get it done before the end of the day.

My first stop is home. It's been just another day in Compton and I gotta head back to Calabassas.

I checked my pager and noticed that I have like ten messages from Jerry and a few from Dre.

My pager is always on me. So if you feel that I'm ignoring you, best believe I am.

I turned on the radio and adjusted the volume because it's a little too quiet right now.

"That's when you opened up your heart and you told me to come in. Oh my love. A thousand kisses from you is never too much.
I just don't wanna stop oh my love. A million days in your arms is never too much. I just don't wanna stop.

Too much, never too much, never too much, never too much."

I changed the channel and decided to listen to my favorite station, K-Power.

"Motownphilly's back again, doing a little east coast swing. Boyz to Men going off, not too hard, not too soft.

It's long overdue but now Philly..."

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