Michael and Michelle

Magsimula sa umpisa

"He-he's having the babies right now?!" Julia exclaimed and I let out a small 'yes'. "Oh, my God, can you please call me when it's done? I want to see them as soon as you'll let me!" She was so excited.

"Of course we'll call you. Okay, I should get him there before he has the babies in the entranceway. Have a great day, sweetie." It was just before noon so she had a whole day left.

Julia and I said goodbyes then we hung up. I walked back over to John and I slung the bags over my shoulders.

"Do you need help with the bags?" John asked, quietly, while I walked him out to the vehicle.

"Not at all, honey, you just focus on breathing and staying calm." I nodded while I put the bags in the backseat.

John needed help getting into the car so I had to go around and help him in. I buckled him up then I gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

"Are you ready to have some babies?" I asked while I pressed my forehead to his.

"I've been ready for a while now." John closed his eyes and he laughed. "Let's go and have some babies." He breathed out with a huge smile.

I got in on the driver's side then I started the car. John reached over and he held my hand while he stared at the road ahead. Just as I got to a stop light, he started to breathe heavily from his nose- his facial expression didn't change but he was obviously having a contraction.

"Are you okay?" I asked while he pulled his phone out of his jacket pocket.

"Yeah, they're just contractions." The man shrugged while he went to a timer. "We need to get to the hospital as soon as possible so we can stop these contractions." He chuckled then I started driving again.

It amazed me how he could say that they were "just contractions". Most women say that it's the most painful thing to experience but John seemed fine- maybe it was different with male carriers. But then again, comparing his pregnancy to Freddie's made it look so much easier- Freddie was ill in the beginning and he was always telling us how sore he was, John was never like that. Maybe my husband was made for carrying babies.

Once we arrived at the hospital, the lady said that John already called in and that they had a room ready- he was so prepared. We were taken to the room and John was given a hospital gown and a housecoat.

"Do you want to go for a walk?" I asked while I helped him into the thin pieces of clothing.

"Y-yeah." He stuttered while he wrapped the sash over his massive bump. "Can-can you hold my hand?" He held his hand out and I smiled while I grabbed it.

"So are you wanting any medications?" I asked while I held the small of John's back.

"No, I want to do this as natural as possible- I would've done it in our house if you weren't so stubborn." He laughed while he rested his head on my shoulder. "It won't be long now, Michael is really dropping now." He breathed out while he rubbed his belly.

John and I did several laps around the labour and delivery floor then he said that he felt like he needed to push- we went back to our room and I called the doctor. My husband didn't want to see doctors until he had to push so we got to do everything on our own, which was really cool.

"How're you feeling, John?" Doctor Cox asked while she walked into the room.

"Like I need to push." John grunted back while he breathed through a contraction.

"Okay, let's get you positioned so we can check out how you are." She nodded then she took John and I to the little mat in the corner.

I sat on the chair and John squatted between my legs- he rested his arms on my thighs and his head was against my stomach.

A Modern LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon