To Accept Happiness

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**Another entry that does not belong to me. This was written by my cousin.

The Ability to accept sadness is the ability to look inwards and accept that there are flaws. The ability to look within yourself to find yourself. There is nothing on this earth that comes without pain and the only great people are the ones who are willing to accept pain and acknowledge that its all a part of life. Being sad is not a bad thing. You need to float in your sadness, not drown in it.

Why is it that if you are sad then you are depressed?

The word depressed is an overused and unnecessary one. The only people who are depressed are the ones who are sad but cannot accept it. Try to change it. Being sad is natural. Being alone is a part of life. Looking at yourself and fixing flaws is perfectly normal. You don't need people's attention to be ANYTHING or ANYONE but yourself. Being perfect, or being what other people want you to be, doesn't help the world. It is the people that dare to dream that are special. The ones who dare to look within themselves who do great things. The people who are able to look within themselves and accept that they have flaws, they are the ones who are happy to be sad. To accept sadness for what it is and use it to do great things in the world. Sadness is needed in life to appreciate the happiness.

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