Interviewing Amyscence

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**Interview with Amyscence~~

> Name (Optional)

Giovannie Storm

> Age


> How are you right now?

Pretty good.

> When you’re unhappy what do you do to make yourself feel better? How do you get over it? How do you deal with it?

I wait it out. I guess I have to suffer through it since nothing really helps me feel better. Maybe sleep? I don’t know.

> If you could take a pill that would make you happy, would you take it, and why?

I would, happiness over pain is better any day. Who wouldn’t take it?

> How is your relationship with your family?

It’s okay. We all love each other and all but we aren’t as close anymore. I just wish I could go back to the early days. Now it feels like the whole world is becoming distant.

> —— Relationship with friends?

What friends? LOL

> Ever been bullied? Experience?

Yeah, I’ve been threatened, called names, gotten glass bottles thrown at me. Typical bullshit for the kid who is different.

> What are your ambitions?

To change the world. It’s a big one, but not impossible right? I just want people to open their eyes and see the pain they cause to this planet. We’re our own apocalypse.

> What’s your opinion on life? (Is there a reason? A point to it? What are we on Earth for?)

Who knows really? We all have different views on life. I think there is a huge reason, but I can’t say I know what it is. I just feel it. I believe, one day we will know.

> Opinion of Religion?

Each type of religion is cruel to be honest. I believe in God, I love Jesus, but the bible is just so damn flawed. It wants us to be perfect in the most disgusting ways possible. If the bible is all truth, then I don’t want to live in this life anymore. I don’t really have to say why, it’s obvious. 

> What made you what you are today?

Everything I went through made me who I am today. All the pain, suffering, struggling, it all made me a better person and now it’s my turn to save someone else and help them see life.

> Do you ever wonder about the future? Does it ever depress you?

Of course it does. You never know what’s coming. We can only hope for the best. But I try not to think about it too much.

> What makes you happy?

Love does.

> What upsets you?

Hate, judgement, people.

> Do you suffer from any kind of depression or anxiety? Have you ever?

I suffer from a lot of things. Us crazy people are the ones with the vision. I think we’re lucky, because we can actually think for ourselves and experience something a lot of people won’t.

> Have you ever thought about suicide? Attempted? Self-harmed?

Yeah, all three. I ended up in a mental hospital, and it wasn’t a good experience. I guess I just couldn’t do it. Something is holding me on this earth, keeping me still where I am.

> What is your opinion on the things just mentioned? (Suicide etc.)

I don’t have anything to say about it.

> Does music affect your mood? If so, how? What type of music do you most listen to? (Genre)

I listen to anything that has beautiful sounds, upbeat music, dark dramatic rock, anything that lifts my spirit right out of my body. I love music that makes me really think.

> What influences your mood the most?

The people I surround myself with.

> Do you spend a lot of time in your bedroom? What colour is it? It is most often messy? Tidy?

I spend all my days in my room. I kind of don’t like the outside world. It’s a terrible place. My room is a light brown or beige color. It’s not messy, it’s usually clean with a few things out of place.

> How often do you genuinely feel happy (a week)? —5 days for example

Only when I spend my time with the people I love. I’d say maybe twice a week where I feel extremely happy. The rest are just bleh.

> How often do you genuinely feel sad (a week)? —2 days for example

Every single day.

> What’s the nicest thing anybody has ever said to you?

That I’m beautiful in every way. Personality, physical appearance, everything.

> Five things you want to do before you die?

I want to save lives, help people, turn people good, help others understand what it’s like being different and just share the love. That’s honestly all I want.

> Email address please (optional, if you’d like me to let you know if I have anymore interviews etc)

What? lolol.

> Would you mind if this was posted on Wattpad? If so would you like to be anonymous?

You can post it if you want. And no, not anonymously.

> Anything to add on the subject of Life & Happiness?

Yeah, don’t judge people, but understand them. Don’t hate people, love them. We’re all humans.

   ~ { o } ~

Here's another interview, this time with Giovannie. Thank you!

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