sixty eight - a great blue sky

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2 Months Later

Josh walked through the same doors he's been cursing for three long years. The hinges creaked as he pushed the heavy weight and the sound seemed to have overpowered all of the voices, causing them to completely silence. The hallways were already full with kids angry as an awoken bear.

Yet, they all showed nothing but pure laughter and a sense of joy, as if they were happy to be reunited. Josh simply envied them, he wished nothing more than to see Tyler. Whether it was him or his ghost, he didn't care at this point, he needed him.

"Cause the hardest part of this is leaving you."

Josh turned at the sudden voice and looked around, appearing like a madman as he tried to find its source. 

"I will not kiss you."

Josh froze, as the halls cleared he remained standing alone in front of a glass cabinet filled with trophies and medals. To the side, there was a picture with a flower, Tyler's named engraved in a plaque along with the words Rest In Peace.

Josh fell to his knees and covered his eyes as he led the tears fall. He knew his illusions would one day stop so, right now, he simply needed to hold on to them dearly. 

Take my hand, take my whole life too. Cause I can't help falling in love with you.

As Josh wrote down those words on the corner of his page, he only hoped Tyler was out there somewhere, imaging what their wedding dance could have been.

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