sixty five - roses

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Tyler sat at the end of Josh's bed. There's something about the way Josh's eyes shined every time Tyler made an appearance. Anyone lucky enough to witness it would definitely agree. In this very moment, you definitely could say it blew Tyler away. It was almost a sight to see; the burning sensation of lust flaming through his eyelashes. It grew darker and darker until it compelled him fully.

Josh was madly in love with Tyler and it was absolutely impossible for him to even climb to the brink of the thought to ever let him go.

"Um, I know you can't actually really touch anything so, you can just pick the music."

"I can touch things, Josh. Just not other humans."

"Oh, well, in that case, why don't you go through that drawer here. It's my most precious things."

Josh turned red and turned away towards his closet where he began picking up the heavy dirty soles of his shoes and tossing them around so grab the clothes on the ground. Meanwhile, Tyler was going through the drawer to find a CD for music.

"You only have one CD."

"Oh, shit, that's right. When Connor, James, and Mark pushed me in the pool, they wrecked my phone. So, um, if it weren't for that CD, I'd actually be dead. It saved me from taking those pills in my bed and saved me from losing my mind during countless panic attacks. I, well, I don't really remember how I got it...Wait? It, it was you, wasn't it?"

Tyler blushed and nodded his head gently.

"But you never told me, who sings?"

He hid his eyes. And Josh finally comprehended everything.

"It's you."

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