thirty seven - nobody wants him

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Tyler is laying still underneath Connor's grip, staring back at him. He processes everything that's just happened. It started with Josh, pinned against a locker and Connor furiously violent towards him. Tyler wants to get out of class so he faked a bathroom break. 

He stops when sees them, Connor is asking for his knife. He had other priorities and plans for it and giving it to Connor for god knows what was not one of them. Tyler watches him as he spits venom, threatening him. He's afraid and confused and gives him the knife anyway.

It's when Connor pulls up Josh's sleeve and reveals the countless purple bruises and previous cuts that Tyler gasps, not in disgust or pity but in fear and concern. Connor is verbally abusing him and then he's aligning the knife with Josh's vein, ready to cut him.

Tyler can't let that happen, so he grips Connor's wrist to prevent him from touching Josh. That's when he's tackled to the ground, pinned underneath Connor with a knife held against his throat that he sees the boy he loves run away. He sees Josh leave him in Connor's hands as he threatens his life. He deoesn't even think twice before doing it.

For a second, Tyler had forgotten that Josh completely fucking hates him and wants absolutely nothign to do wtih him. So, he lets himself fall. He doesn't know what he's living for anyway.

"You don't have the balls."

"Fucking watch me."

"I'm waiting."

And Connor raises his hand with the plan to end Tyler's life right here and there.

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