thirty two - paper crane

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Josh headed to his locker before leaving, grabbing his bag and books when he noticed a folded piece of paper. He picked it up and giggled at the shape: it was a paper crane. He threw it in his bag and walked home thinking about the voice in the bathroom.

When he reached his bed, it wasn't long before his head was resting against the pillow and his eyes were closed. Then, Josh remembered the paper crane. He grabbed it from his bag and looked at it, admiring the details. It was really pretty. Josh was then interrupted by his phone ringing.


"Yo, Josh, what's up?"

"Oh, hey, Nixon. Not much, you?"

"Meh, same old same old. Hey, today I caught some creep breaking into your locker."

"What?! When?"

"Just before the day was over. Anyway, I called out and he ran into the bathroom."

"Did you see his face?"

"No, I didn't get a good look."


Before Nixon got the chance to say anything else, Josh hung up the phone and started thinking. Right before the end of the day, he was in the bathroom. That's when he heard the boy and spoke to him. He was speaking to the boy in the white mask. But that wasn't his biggest worry right now, he was more concerned with what he was doing.

Josh got up and headed outside, jumping on his bike and straight to the swings. His face looked a lot more presentable now and all he wanted to do was see the boy. So he biked, he biked as fast as he could. And when he finally arrived, he sat and waitied.

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