fifty two - save me a spark

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It wasn't much but it was enough, Josh's eyes fluttered open when his chest was squeezed, his heart pumping and his lungs screaming and begging for oxygen. He looked around and noticed a body barely hanging onto him.

He wasted no time in moving his arms and forcing himself to the surface where he inhaled a large breath. He panted as he looked around and down at the limp body in his arms: Tyler. He was still wearing the white ski mask, the sight alone breaking his heart.

Josh swam to the side, the little action taking everything in him but he pushed through. When he finally reached land, he helped Tyler's body on the long grass then climbed up himself. He took a moment to breathe before looking back down at Tyler.

His lips were blue and he wasn't moving, Josh leaped forward, shaking him the best he can but nothing happened. Gently, Josh gripped the hem of the white mask and rolled it up, slowly pulling it off. As each inch of Tyler's face was revealed, more tears began to fall from his eyes. Josh looked at his pale cold face and pressed his lips on Tyler's forehead for what could be the last time.

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