Like how he responded with Gildarts, silence. Only stared at the crime scene, agonizingly looking at pool of Levy's blood that was on both the ground and on the side of the dumpster.

"Come on, talk me." Though she's only known him for the last day or two, she had considered herself to be his friend to say the least.

No words still just as he has been doing since the got here.

Meredy then took out the keys, which she borrowed from Gildarts of course and placed it right inside the keyhole, turning the key and engine on. "Guess we're going to have to do this the hard way." And like that, she drove off.

"Did she just-" Gildarts cut his sentence short as the pinkette drove away in his car with Laxus.

"Yep." Ultear witnessed the same thing he did.

Gildarts dashed out of the alley, not seeing where exactly his car went. "WHAT THE HELL!?"

As she drove, not knowing where exactly she herself knew they were going, the running engine was all that can be heard. Silent as ever with the radio of.

"Why did you do that…?" Laxus finally broke his silence, speaking softly, asking her why she drove away from the crime scene.

"To finally get you to talk," she answered him as she took a turn left. There was hardly any traffic at night. "You kept staring at… her pool of blood… it made me worry a bit."

"I… I had finally proposed to her…" He looked back at the earliest memories today. "She was… so happy when I… told her…"

"I know big man, I know." She tried comforting him.

"You don't know… you don't know what it's like to lose someone… to lose the person who always stood by you… who made you happy…" He silently sobbed again.

Suddenly, the car came to a full stop and right in the middle of the street. Still, with hardly any traffic around, stopping in the middle of the street could cause problems, none of which Meredy really cared for.

She looked at him and he looked right back, carefully thinking of what words to say next. Instead of words, Meredy took out a small picture from her inner jacket's pocket and handing it to Laxus. "Who's this?" He asked her, looking at a picture of her and an unfamiliar man right beside her, hugging her. He was had dark hair, beautiful green eyes and was very well built in shape.

"That man is… was… my husband…" Meredy, softly, answered his question.

"I… had assumed much," he gave her the picture back. "What happened?"

"A gangbanbger mugged and killed him, all because of a gold watch I had bought for him on our 3rd year anniversary…" She looked at the picture of herself and him. A smile she once had because of his presence was all gone. "It's been… 2 years already since I last seen him."

"…" Laxus felt her empathy. She lost a loved one just as she did.

"You feel like it's your fault, correct?" Meredy asked him. "I know how you feel, at first, I felt like I was responsible for my husband's death… feeling terrible…"

"…" He silently listened to her. He did feel responsible, leaving Levy all vulnerable back at the restaurant.

"But I realized that no matter how hard I try to sugarcoat it, to somehow feel at ease," her voice sounded raspy, holding back the tears of remembrance. "That it never gets easy…"

"I'm… I'm sorry…" He placed his bloodied hand on her shoulder, comforting her.

"They never got the thief…" She continued. "Even till this day, I ask the cops about the progressed they've made in his case."

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