Chapter 117 - The Universe

Bắt đầu từ đầu

"Tati--just relax. It isn't that big of a deal..." 

"Not a big deal?" I choke out. "You could've been more hurt then you were! Or dead! How do you think that's not a big deal, Michael?!" 

He stays silent. 

"Exactly. Now where is the fucking joke with that?"

"You need to calm down." he stares at me, making me grow more irritated. 

"Calm?" I chuckle angrily. "Have you ever noticed that whenever you tell someone to "be calm" it does absolutely nothing? Especially when you see your boyfriend almost--"

"Stop it." Michael says lowly glaring at me. "I told you I'm fine, forget it."

"Have you noticed every time we are together bad things happen? Don't you think that shit means something?"

"Tat, it was an accident! You're being paranoid." 

"Really? Look at everything that happened when we've been together!"

"So what Tatiana?" he throws his arms up exasperated. "What are you trying to say?"

"That this was a mistake! Coming back and being with you!" I blurt out instantly regretting the words that slipped out of my mouth. 

The room goes silent as he stares at me, a flash of pain hitting his eyes. We stare at each other like this, as I try to breath--swallow...anything. It was as if Jack Frost hit my soul I was so frozen. 

"You don't mean that." he says so lowly, I barely could hear him. I tear up looking away. "You don't mean that!" he says louder making me jump. I shake my head as I walk out the room and before I know it he's following me. 

"You know you do not mean that Tatiana!" he says grabbing my arm whipping me round towards him. 

"You're not doing this to me." he stares at me. "You know you don't mean it. I know you don't."

"Of course I don't! But look!" I laugh tearfully. "The absolute worse happens when we are together. Maybe it's just a sign from the universe or whatever that--"

"That what, Tatiana?" he stares at me, his face softening. "My universe would be nothing without you in it. Things would be even worse if I didn't have you. I'd rather go through the worst with you then without you--" his eyes well up slowly. "Don't you see that I love you, girl?"

I keep my eyes down. "Michael, I--" my voice comes out in a whisper before Michael slammed his lips to mine and nearly knocked all wind from my lungs.

"No, Tati...stop!" my inner voice was screaming. But the start of the soft touch sent a strong feeling of warmth spiraling through my system. My eyes closed slowly. My tense nerves soon began to relax, my troubles, my pain began to melt away and the surroundings began to disappear leaving only her, her and Michael. This. This felt true. This felt good. This felt right. This felt--

"N-no.." I mumble pulling away. "Not this."

"Not what?" he mumbles. I feel his hot breath on my neck, then the tender brush of lips. Burning as they make contact with my neck. A hand runs through my hair, as the kisses become harder and more urgent. Another hand slides around my waist, and pulls me close to his warm body. I swallow hard, my body growing warm all over.  

"Y-you know what--" I moan shakily as he continues slower. 

"I know for one thing--" he whispers pulling away slowly. "You need to be reminded how much I love you." he whispers. Before I can ask what he means, he gently picks me up wrapping my legs around his waist. 

"Michael what--" 

"And I'm going to love you. Right now." 


Okay so I just want to say this scene was kind of inspired by @michaelslover Catch me if I Fall. She's literately the best writer on wattpad and I have all of her books in my library. 

But yes let me do this now:

WARNING!: Next chapter will contain sexual content. If you cannot handle it or you are underage don't read. I don't want to be your sex-ed teacher or go through the birds and bees lessons, and I don't want to spoil your sweet innocence. 




The Way You Make Me Feel - A Michael Jackson Love StoryNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ