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Sometimes being nice and forgiving isn't the best route.
Steward Poo has been bullied since 4th grade by his peers, teachers, and by his own family.

One day, Steward gets taken away along with many others; they find out that they acquire special powers that may are needed for the future.

After Steward's disappearance, his parents think he's dead and are overjoyed.
His bullies are worried that he had committed suicide and refuse to go to jail...


Now he returns as the most powerful and ironically, the most good looking guy that anyone has ever seen.

Raymond Lyder is his new name.
*Contains mild language (cursing and/or swear words)*
*contains violence*
*needs editing*

Welcome everybody to the SECOND book that I will be doing :3
Some may know me from my completed book:
"The Legend of the Elements"

If you don't, be sure to check that out - ^__^ heh heh..

Now if you don't know me then, TA-DA!!!

I go by the name Idontw, dont ask me why, i dont know. ^^^oh never mind.
Get it?

So make sure to:

VOTE cause I'm awesome
COMMENT cause you're awesome
FOLLOW cause we both awesome :3

And if you don't, I'm heartbroken. D:

August 1, 2016

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