The Sound of Running Water

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The Sound of Running Water


Mystery/Suspense, Short Story

Synopsis (What the author wrote)

It is after midnight and someone wants Priscilla, a young mother whose husband works the graveyard shift, to come outside. To lure her there, they have turned on an outside faucet wide open. She has to choose between running up an astronomical water bill before daylight or going outside to turn off the water.

Based on a true story that happened to the author, "The Sound of Running Water" is a story every woman needs to read.

What I Feel

Basically, I was rather intrigued by the synopsis. As I read on, the message that the author is trying to convey is very real since it was a real scare. I guess, for myself, living in the apartment, it feels more detached. However, women are being lured with other methods that keep changing once the police catch wind of how their scams work.

Before I get carried away, I must say, the story has kept me on my toes (I was reading in the morning) and the objective was clear. The cover I created is just to accompany this part.

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