Chapter 18

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Liam’s P.O.V:

After 5 minutes……

“Man, PA LEASE let me in…?” Niall questioned the security guards in a fed up voice… 

“Sorry sir, but it’s strictly prohibited by Avery ma’am to let you guys come inside the mansion” one of the guards replied

“And plus you came in with the wrong way” another guard added.

Wrong way? You ask? Yes, it was the wrong way to come inside. The moment Niall came across the wall’s other side, the “security alarm” went crazy. Nice work, once again you made me get stuck in wonderland because of your craziness, Niall HORAN!


“Niall only one way inside” I whispered in Niall’s ears who was standing right next to me.

“Are you thinking what I am thinking?” Niall replied in evil voice, whispering back.

1,2,3…… RUN NIALL!!!” I shouted as Niall and I went rushing plus running through the front lawn to reach at least the window which was open fortunately.

“RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!” Niall shouted as 4 more guards ran after us. We kept running like there was a beast after us who would eat us within one bite if it gets anyway near.

“you two! STOP!!!” the four guards kept shouting and running after us as we kept running in the speed of LIGHT!

“Keep running Niall!” I shouted at the dirty blonde who was already sweating like hell.

“WE-ARE-ALMOST-THERE!!” he shouted back as at last we reached the front of the open window.

“JUMP!” I screamed my lungs out as Ni and I jumped at the same time over and inside the window as we FINALLY reached the living room.

“CLOSE THE WINDOW!!!” I scream whispered at Niall because we were inside the house and if Ave or Sam even gets one sight of us, WE. ARE. DEAD.

Me and Niall quickly shuttered the window as we kept panting on our knees. Check one to the list of works we had to do to get to Sam: GET INSIDE THE HOUSE!   

One of three task checked - But now it's time for us to manage Sam, and her manager Ave. Tough job, I have to say. 

We slowly creeped upstairs when suddenly all the alarms and chaos came to a halt, which was excessively strange. We couldn't help but pant and sweat like a maniac. As we reached upstairs, we had to walk through out the kitchen to Ave's room, which was excessively cheesy.....wait.. Doritos? 

My feet absentmindedly stepped on something, which made a crouching sound as soon as I stepped on the specific thing. I look down to see, doritos pieces all over the place. "

"Ha, Ave was trying to trap us with these? Sheesh! Avery Hastings, you don't know me, we, the both with the middle name James, shall be like James Bond himself, I know I make no sense, but all I'm trying to say. We here in a mission and we are going to succeed in it without any distraction, right Niall?!" I said with full confidence in my words. But no response for which I spoke up again calling for my so called 'partner-in-crime's' name.


"Y-yuw-p-p"  Niall said in-between crunching the chip which was stuffed in his mouth, I looked down seeing him grabbing a bag of doritos and a bottle of Coca Cola and soon series of burp came out. I slapped my forehead with dispointment. I don't know how will Samantha handle this lad. Please i pray for you Sam, dearly. 

"NIALL! LET'S GO!" I screamed my lungs out. 

"Oh yeah! Sorry!" 

 "Where should we search for them?" Niall asked after a few silent minutes. 

"In the lion's den" I answered. 



Stay safe, Stay beautiful


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