Chapter Three

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*Nova’s P.O.V*

 Nova’s P.O.V:

All of the guys sweetly introduced their selves to us. The check shirt one was Liam, the curly haired one was Harry, the black haired one was Zayn, the blond one was Niall and last but not the least the brown haired one was Louis.

As we left the airport after getting to know each other we just jumped into the cars as fast as we can. And we jumped really fast into the cars because there was a bunch of fans that were getting mad and screaming.  It was so amazing! Like the fans were holding big posters with maybe the boys’ names, or one direction or something else. They were even so happy when the boys just gave them smiles, light hugs, or touched their hands or even a stare of the boys’ maybe made them go faint. It was so strange that these 5 guys really changed their lives. And the fans were almost like attacking over them. That’s why we went to our cars as fast as we could.

 We 4 that means, me, Ave, Sam and uncle were in one car. Niall, Zayn and Liam were in one car and Louis and Harry were in another car with some guards in it. We just went to their hotel and dropped them.

I used to think that celebrities were quite “show off” typed but these boys were unique. They were just like normal lads. They were so much of fun. In the airport even, they were doing so much of funny stuff. Like, Liam was playing a remote control car. Louis was playing with a football. Zayn, Harry and Niall were just chatting about something just like normal people do. Nice! I am impressed!

Next day it was time for us to take the boys to the tourist places in the city. So let’s see how it turns out.

 Ave's P.O.V:

Just the day after one direction came I, Nova and Sam were hired to take them to tourist places. (I mean dad said us to take them to the places where they wanted to go to since we were paid a little…hi hi!!) I don’t know how it will turn out to be being with the most popular boy band of the world for almost a day. So first, we went to the hotel where the boys were staying. As we reached the hotel lobby, we thought that they will come down stairs to go with us. But we didn’t see them coming down after we reached the hotel lobby. So nova called dad.

 Nova's P.O.V:

The conversation:

Me: hello uncle, it’s Nova!

Uncle: yah Nova! Did you guys pick the boys up?

Me: uncle, they haven’t come down to the lobby yet and they are not also receiving their room intercoms. Can you call them and tell them to come down?  We don’t have their numbers. (Actually, it was really easy for us to get their mobile numbers because if Ave only said to her dad to give their number it was fully possible. But we didn’t find interest…you know?) We are waiting for them at the hotel lobby,like forever!

Uncle: ohh! Ok, so u guys go up to their rooms and say them to come. You know I am too busy to give their number now. So bye!

Me: bu…

As I was going to tell something, uncle hangs his phone.

I said the idea that uncle told us about. Ave reacted, “I am NOT going to the rooms of those idiots. If u GUYS want to go to their rooms, you can go. PEACE!” Ave said while making her right hand’s two fingers into a V and then walked back to the car. Sam said with her puppy dog eyes, “it leaves you and me only! But you know that u will have to go alone! I am also don’t want to go up to their rooms. Please…….” Then Sam also ran after Ave and then moved to the car. I was the only one who could go up and get them! Urrrggg!!!

I asked the reception to give the room numbers where the boys were in. I got to know that they were in 5 rooms. They had their own separate ones. 302 was Harry’s, 303 was Zayn’s. 304 was Liam’s. 305 was Niall’s and 306 was Louis’s one. 

First I went to Harry’s room. I knocked and shouted,” Harry! It’s Nova! We are waiting for you guys at the lobby! Come down soon as you can with the other boys! Ok!” Harry shouted back, “ok!”

When I was just leaving the floor on which they were in, I heard Niall’s door opening as he shouted, “Is Sam there too?” I smiled and replied by shouting, “yeah, Sam’s downstairs, Niall!”

I understood that Niall actually, I mean really likes Sam. Or he wouldn’t have asked. As I reached the lobby I saw Sam and Ave were sitting on their seats of the car and laughing and gossiping about something. I waited for the boys at the lobby by sitting on a couch for a bit of time.

After 2 or 3 minutes I saw Sam coming out of the car and walking through the path of the lobby. After she came to the lobby, she stood beside me and then said, “Are they coming?” with an evil kind of a smile on her face.

I smirked and said, “Yah, within 5 minutes. Just wait and have patience” After 2 or 3 minutes, the boys came down with the stairs. Actually you know I have to admit that these boys are really handsome!! They all were looking damn hot MAN!. Anyway coming back to the point, just when the boys came down from their rooms, Ave came walking towards us.

I saw Zayn staring at her and with a smile on his face. Sam and I were wearing casual tops and jeans but Ave was wearing a really beautiful white dress. She was looking really sweet and pretty. I know that Zayn and Niall have started liking these two girls! But! Wait a second! Sam and specially AVE are not that kind of girls who will fall for a boy even! Even! If he gives everything to her what she wants. And, over 20 BOYS ARE STILL AFTER AVE. But Ave doesn’t care. Ave only fell for one guy, Ryan just one year ago. He dumped her and went away with another girl just one month ago. And Sam also had a boyfriend named George. They also had their breakup just two months ago. They are actually really upset about these “boyfriend DUMPING and BREAKING UP” reasons.

Well, I didn’t and don’t have any boyfriend till now. Thank God for that! It was my good luck for not falling in these kinds of things. I mean, I also have few boys after me but not as many as guys like Ave.

Will Ave and Sam actually feel the same about Zayn and Niall as they feel for them?


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Winter Love (ONE DIRECTION FAN FICTION) (Discontinued)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon