Chapter Eleven

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Ave's P.O.V:

Before we could reach home, we stopped at a mall and did some "girly shopping". Because, Nova and Harry are going to a date!! How romantic they are. Nova is so excited about this date. I wish it goes just perfect.

Nova's P.O.V:

Finally Mr. Harold is taking me to a date. I waited for this for the whole time and finally it has come. So, I have to look perfect. And it is today at 7 and it's already 12 at noon. I better get ready fast.

Sam's P.O.V:

"Seriously Nova, how more girly can u be" I mumbled as Nova was trying her 15th dress for her date. I mean, she has tried 15 dresses and each of them was perfect. But still she wants "THE" perfect one.

"I think this one is great...I mean this is absolutely lovely for the date. Take this one. I am 100 percent sure about it" Ave replied as Nova was twirling round and round with her absolutely perfect light blue dress. "What do u think Sam?" Ave asked turning her head towards me "ya. ya. It's good. Now can we have some lunch?! I am starving!!!" I snorted out.

"no!no!no! Sam it's only good. Ave, I have to try more at least 10 dresses. We have to find the perfect one!" Nova shouted.

"NO!! it's absolutely perfect Nova! Let's take this! U are looking gorgeous in this... I bet Harry will flip for u in this dress!" I quickly replied because I don't' want to wait for another hour and try these girly dresses on Nova and starve!

"ok! thanks guys! It means a lot! Let's go! We have to buy the shoes, makeup, jewelry and so much!!! Let's go!!"

"MORE SHOPPING?" Ave and I shouted together as Nova went to the cash counter and paid for the dress. It's gonna be a long day.

After finishing shopping:

Ave's P.O.V:

After coming back home, me and Sam quickly got fresh and started to set all of the things for Nova in place. Nova took a shower and came out. "please don't make me look like a clown!" Nova pleased. "leave it all on us!" I and Sam replied together. Nova put on her dress as we rushed Nova near the dressing table. It was 4 at the evening and we have to be fast. Harry is gonna come within 7 so we better hurry.

From one side, I was doing Nova's eyes and Sam was doing her nails. Sam isn't seen doing makeup for her or others but today she was showing at least a little bit concern about this stuff. Anyway it helped me. Sam was really bad at makeup, but she did nails and other stuff quite well. That means sometimes Tomboys can also be of some girly work.

I neatly applied Nova's eye shadow, eyeliner, mascara, lip-gloss, foundation, concealer and blush. I made her hair beautifully curled up. And on the other hand Sam got Nova's nails done. She did a pretty great job. We got Nova's all of the stuff into her clutch, her earrings placed on her ears. And walah! She was looking GREAT! We were working for Nova like she was some princess and we were her servants. But it was fun! She has to look perfect. This was a really big occasion for her. It is her life's first date. This had to be good.

As Nova got up from the dressing table's chair, she stood in front of both of us. "So? How am I looking?" Nova asked nervousness on her face. "You are looking hot!" Sam replied and we all giggled. "You are looking great Nova!"

"Thanks guys! you are the best!" Nova replied smiling one of her million dollar smile. I am so happy for her!

Nova's P.O.V:

At last I am ready for my life's first date. Ave and Sam did a pretty well job. And I must say I am looking good. i looked at the clock and it was 6:55 already. i quickly put on my pumps and took a last look at my self.

just then the door bell rang. one of the maids came and said, "Ma'am Mr.Styles is here. he is calling you." "yah we will be there" Ave replied to the maid. "now lets go! move! move! move!" Sam snorted while she was pushing me towards the door.

"oh HARRY!! Nova is herreee!!!" Ave shouted as she walked in-front of me.

Ave's P.O.V:

"She is really excited about this so don't u disappoint her" i whisper shouted to Harry. "ok!" he replied and smiled. Nova came walking towards the door and stood in front of Harry. "You look amazing" Harry said almost drooling. "We know!" Sam and I replied when Nova gave us a confused smile and we all giggled. "Now will you guys go? You will be late!" Sam shouted. Harry gave his hand towards Nova's and then both held hands and left. "Bye! Have a nice date!" I shouted while Nova turned back and waved. "Don't make her cry or disappointed or, I think u won't like to hear that!" Sam shouted. I playfully punched on Sam' arms and we both giggled. "Ok!" Harry replied.

Nova's P.O.V:

as we came out of the house, I looked at Harry and he was smiling towards me. I mean why is he so perfect? "Harry" I slowly whispered. "Huh?" he looked at me and smiled. "u are looking really good and thanks" I said. "Thank but why are u saying thanks?" he replied. "u are making my day that's why" I replied "well then your welcome" he replied and we both smiled. Harry held the cars door and moved his head saying get in. I got inside the car well as Harry. "Where are we going?" I asked.

"It's a surprise!" he said and kissed my cheek. Today is going to be good. As much as I think.


Hey guys....sorry for the late here is chapterrrrrrrr 11!!!!

have fun reading it!!



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