Chapter 15

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Sam’s P.O.V:

How could he do this to me? I am dating him and now I have to see him with another girl much more loved, prominent and beautiful than me? Why? Why does it always have to be me?  After listening to Jeff, tears came gushing out of my eyes.

I gave a disgusted look towards Niall as I left crying out of the room. This was enough. I was getting hate from the fans and now this? How worse can it be more than this?

Back to Ave’s POV.

‘This is just….urgh!” I screamed out as banged the table with my fists before I clicked the ‘end’ button written in bold and covered in RED.

I quickly buried my head in my hands for a while as I ran towards Sam’s room. Kept twisting and turning the knock bolt, but I faced failure. I don’t want to give up, but she needs the time alone, I know what she will do now

  – ‘Run around a like a maniac’

                 [Sam in the same time running round and round in circles]

– Will bite her nails, until she realizes how bitter her nail varnish is.

  [Sam in the same time doing the same thing as she chokes out bits of dried nail varnish in disgust]

–       Will jump on her bed, as she plugs in her ear buds, probably listenin’ to ‘Coldplay’

[Sam plays ‘Paradise’ in her iPod as she jumps backwards on her bed]

–       She will start playing ‘GTA’ and after 5 minutes she will freak out from the room as she craves for ice-cream and starts sobbing on my shoulders.

I look down my watch to see the exact time as I wait.


“AVE! WHERE’S THE BEN ‘&’ JERRY. I NEED ICE-CREAM. NOW” She screamed her lungs out as she slammed her refrigerator door looking for the particular thing she is searching for, which is in my hand.


“Ave…. I hate my life” She murmured in a soft voice while the weight of her head’s on my shoulder.

Samantha, everything’s going to be fine” I assured.

“As if!” she said as she aggressively stabbing the spoon on the surface of the container which was holding the tiny amount of cotton candy ice cream.

“Happy endings are for glass-heel-wearing-disney-pricness-who-is-only-allowed-to-stay-out-till-12’o’clock” She continued.  

“This would have never occurred if you’re little, lovesick brain listened to me!” I spat moving away her head from my shoulders.

Sam’s POV –

My jaws drop in a mere second. Is it me, or did Ave…

I looked upwards, as I shut my eyes. Yes I should have listened to her.

I should have stopped falling for people after being broken-hearted so many times.

I should have listened to my brain then my stupid heart which is craving for a wee bit of love.

I should have known I am not good enough.

I should have known I will never be loved.


Hey guys!!!!!!!!!! sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry for the late update and it's all because of EXAMS... they never leave me alone... do they? haha... anyway here you go CHAPTER (*drum rolls*) 15! so there is gonna be more climax coming up within Siall specially and yes i am gonna make Zave come together soon... don't worry.. i promise i am gonna give you another  chapter within 5 days if you give me 5 votes and at least 4 comments on this chapter cause i am on a mini vacation! 





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