Chapter Nine

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*Next day*

Morning birds chatter chattering, made me awake with the rays of sun, which appeared to be brighter than other winter mornings, other days the sun was just you know, and like dimmed!

Nova actually heard me, when I walked to the washroom, like a zombie lol (zombie referring to how they make sounds when they walk, oh gosh Sam’s “Man VS Zombie games are making me craaaazzzyyy!!).Anyways, she seemed to wake up like, I don’t know, maybe like the girls in the advertisements? Yes! Exactly! She seemed real happy, maybe she had fun with Harry, who was totally drunk and OUT OF CONTROL last night man!!!!!(I sneakily saw them two the last night)And Sam’s eyes were red, I’ve actually never seen her like this before, she is usually strong, but maybe she couldn’t help it you know?  They both were wearing their newly worn gowns, and disastrous faces.

Nova: When did you come yester night?

Me: about 2?

Nova made one of those “Oooooo” sounds, which made me, well, angry. Because, I know there was nothing to “Ooo” about. To change the “current situation” I tried to shake Sam by her shoulders. She won’t even budge!

“Ms. Sam!!WAKE UP OR I’LL THROW COLD WATER ON YOU!”I screamed though I didn’t have the water bucket near me.

“WHOOA- I’M AWAKE YEAH I’M COOL.”She screamed thinking we might be drowning her with COOOOLD water in this winter. I and Nova started to giggle hard.

“What was that about, man?” she said by rubbing her eyes.

“Nothing, we were just bored. And we are not man, we are woman!” I said looking at Nova with giggling.

“Haha, I’m totally entertained” She said that’s when my cell phone beeped up.

I quickly grabbed it, seeing it was a text from Zayn? Woah!! (He maybe took my mobile number from dad or from Nova and Sam!(CLEVER and SMART!!) oh, and I had his number just for emergency!! Note the “JUST FOR EMERGENCY”

I looked up to see Nova & Sam’s faces “Zayn…texted me? HEY DID YOU GIVE MY NUMBER TO SOMEONE?”

From: Zayn Malik.

Good Morning..! I was wondering if you all (he referred to Nova, Sam and Me) would come over to our rehearsal. It’s at 3 in the studio. Hoping to see you soon!

-Zayn xx

“Ooooo, let me see!” Sam said while she snatched the phone from my hands.

“Heeey!”I said while dragging the “e”

“Now I’m really entertained” Nova said giggling.

I put my hand on my head and face down-wards in embarrassment

“Yeah buddy!” Sam replied with a huge evil smirk on her face. The Horror.

She carefully read the text which took her about 15 seconds? Not sure, she reads things FAST, light bolt fast.

“Awwwr” She said still looking at the phone, or should I say the text.

“Stop it! There is nothing to “Awrr” about!”I screamed

“You are actually blushing!?”Nova said quickly

“OH MY GOD! Yah! Awwr, that’s CUTER!”Sam replied.

“FINE! I’m not going to any “Direction’s” rehearsals or concerts”I said folding my arms.

“Come on! We are just- y-you know having fun!” Nova mumbled 

“Well your fun isn’t funny to me, whatever I’m going to have breakfast…” I said breaking my well structured folded arms and started to walk outside of the room.

It was finally 3,not like I was “eager” or “excited” to go there, but I was too bored by staying home, just watching cartoon, like a 3 year old.(I don’t like watching serials or reality shows OR news! Cartoons are better than these!)

 I was watching TV downstairs when  Sam and Nova came and said “are you sure you are not coming with us?” I stayed silent for some time and then replied, “fine” I mumbled “ I am going. But!, I am not going with interest. I am just going because I am getting bored. So don’t try to tease me, OK?!” they both answered, “OK!”. As I was getting off of the couch I said, “girls! Can I have a talk about your boyfriends from last night?” they both were so confused and were looking at each other! I said, “come on! I am your friend right? So COME ON tell me!! They sat down for five minutes and described about the whole story how Niall and Harry proposed them.

I replied after hearing, “ now that is something to AWWR and OOHHH about!” they both quickly got off the couch and said in hurry or should I say embarrassment ,”we are going to the car” and rushed through the doors. I smiled and went up to get dressed. 

We (Me and Sam) didn’t wear anything “excitingly” girly. Just our T-shirts, jeans, and hoodies and converse .While Nova wore her polished leather jacket, with white v-neck tee, legging (black) and (un-usually, this doesn’t happen much) a ballet flat.

(You can see how GIRLY-GIRL Nova is, while I’m sober, neither girly nor like Sam who’s a dude, total tomboy.)


As we arrived inside the studio, we heard them singing a slow melody, somehow I saw Zayn’s eyes targeted on me as I entered, same happened with Niall and Sam, but she wasn’t noticing since she was busy playing with her “PSP” she always brings along, everywhere! Some of the workers arranged to bring us chairs to sit, the chairs was placed JUST INFRONT OF THE BOYS! (I mean just 5 or 6 foot away from them)

Awkward! Sam and I were kind of busy with our electronics, while Nova carefully listening to them, later we found out they were singing a song from their album named, “Little Things”. Well the boys didn’t talk at all with us at the studio. Rude much?  But as I was leaving I saw Harry and Niall calling their girlfriends somewhere. So they went with them. When Nova was leaving she said, “wanna come?” I replied politely, “no. you can go. I will wait for u guys!”  Nova said, “you sure?” I replied, “100% sure” with a smile. Nova smiled back and left with Harry.

I was just sitting on a couch at the lobby when I saw Zayn leaving for somewhere. Suddenly he looked at me and came walking closer. Maybe I should talk a little polite with him. And also act polite. He came in front of me while I stood up. He smiled and said, “sorry, I was just too busy to talk to you. You seem to be alone here. Wanna go for a coffee?” 

I thought for some time and replied, “ yah, sure”

A/N -  HIIIII!!!! THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH EVERYONE FOR THE 1K READS!!!!!  I and my friend Sampriti_bieb where shouting like CREEPS when we saw the 1000th read..... WE ARE STILL SHOUTING!!!!  and please please comment and vote AND become a fan..... If YOU become a regular commenter I'll dedicate the NEXT CHAPTER for YOU.

 Anyways! Buh Bai!!


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