Chapter Five

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*Ave’s P.O.V*s

I was so tired that I couldn’t even change my clothes. So, after coming back home I just got on my bed and passed away to sleep.

Next day was Saturday.  I woke up at 8 and took a shower, changed my dress and then took breakfast within 9. After my breakfast, Nova told me to go for a walk with her. Sam was still sleeping like HELL MAN! She sleeps till 10 in the morning at holidays.10 amis her minimum time to get up. Or sometimes it gets more late for Sam to get up.           

In this entire hurdle we almost forgot about our school prom, suddenly we met Marie (our class mate) on street just day before the prom. Oh yes, we forgot about our prom. Between the conversation Marie asked me “what have u bought for the prom?? And then I remembered that we had a prom at school. Nova was “ohhhhh myyyy goshhh!!!!” and anyway, lots of paparazzi on the street after it was soooo embarrassing. There were lots of news on the net and on the news papers. Telling we had relations with the boys!!! We are doing BLA BLA BLA!!! URRHHH!!! 

 *Sam’s P.O.V*

When Nova and Ave came back from their walk, they described that they met Marie, who reminded them about the prom.

Nova: I’ve no absolute idea what to wear!

Ave: Oh gosh, she has started!

 Ave mumbled between chewing her chewing gum and reading a magazine seeing that weird news about us.  

Nova: what?

Me: Can’t we just wear something- I don’t know? Maybe wear something normal?

Nova: Wear something normal IN THE PROM? ARE YOU CRAZY!?

Ave:  fine! Then what will you wear? Lady Gaga’s meat dress?

Nova: Let’s go shopping!

Ave: Okay, then, let’s go.

(We went shopping to buy things for the prom)

*Ave’s P.O.V*

As we were going to the mall, Nova made a BIG list of the things that she wanted to buy. It was such a longgggg list man. Dress, shoes, make up, jewelry, other accessories, perfumes, purses and more bla bla bla!! She made my credit card’s credit go half. It was such a big bill.

I and Sam just bought two gowns, a pair of shoes (we had to buy heels for the forcing of our fashion guru, world famous NOVA!!), some jewelry and accessories. It is not that fun and has no meaning to buy so much of things for only one prom!

When we got back home, dad got to know about the prom (how did dad know about our school prom out of nowhere? Hmm…..mysterious!) And LOOK what he insisted us to do! TO TAKE THE BOYS TO THE PROM!!!

hey guys!!!!!

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