"Let me tell you, that window was decently big and there were millions, maybe even billions of pieces of glass, all different sizes, shapes and textures and they had cut her. Some on her arms, some her face, some her hands. She bled and bled but out of all that glass, she survived. But then there had to be that one tiny piece. Just one out of billions that went right through her head, directly through her skull and into her brain." Chills. I actually shivered as I resisted the urge to reach out and try to touch Audrey’s too far hand. “I guess it’s a little bit like life. You’re gonna get cut over and over again but sometimes even the biggest shard of glass isn’t the one to tear you apart. But one small piece has the power to kill. That’s also how the last few months have been for me.” She didn’t say that my performance was that piece of glass that broke her but she didn’t have to, I knew and I would never let myself forget. Delilah looked down at her feet and swallowed hard. Hard enough for the mic to pick it up so that it echoed through the room. “I’m going to spend the rest of my life thinking about that one piece.” So would I, I thought. I’d also spend the rest of my life wondering why I hadn’t been smart enough to reach out and pull her back from that damned window. There were a lot of things that I’d never forget. So I drowned out Delilah’s voice and actually the entire world for that matter and allowed myself to stare at the love of my life for one of the very last times. I’d never forget her brown hair, how soft it was on my neck when her head was pressed to me; her now light lips that used to be so full of color and always seemed to suck me in as if they were begging me to kiss her; how she’d throw her head back and laugh and it wasn’t perfect but it was cute nonetheless; how her smile was always crooked; the flowery smell of her perfume that was always strong but never too muc;, that very first day I met her, when I tapped her on the shoulder and she faced me and Danielle left my mind in 2 seconds; how she gave up her life for me after only knowing me for 2 weeks; that sparkle in her eye as we drove through London for the first time and it was all so new to her; the way she stood by my side no matter how much it hurt her, she stood right by my side until she thought it was hurting me and then she left and gave up her entire life for me for the second. My eyes drifted down from her still face to the ring that would forever remain on her finger. More tears spilled because I would have given anything to see that girl walk down the aisle to me. Absolutely anything.

“I love you, mommy.” Delilah finished, tears in her eyes. I took a breath as my eyes met hers and for once, we finally saw eye to eye. That feeling when you lose someone you said you couldn’t live without, we shared that now.

>Roman’s POV<

It was kind of quiet. I guess I wasn’t really expecting it to be loud, especially considering we had just buried Audrey’s body, but our group was never quiet. Now even the little ones understood and silently stood to the side with their arms crossed in front of them. They all looked so mature in their suits and dresses, I couldn't help but notice how fast time had flown lately. Audrey was an inspiration to me, as cheesy as it sounds. I don’t think there was ever a moment where she wasn’t smiling and that’s a beautiful thing considering everything she went through. Liam seemed to be holding up alright but he was also very good at hiding his emotions. Eleanor and Louis were pretty silent, I had no idea what was going through their heads but I imagine it was something like guilt. My eyes moved on to Erika and my mom, who it seemed hadn’t let go of each others hands since Audrey took her last breath. Growing up, she had been their best friend and I tend to forget that. Niall stood beside Zayn and they seemed to be trying to make small talk but no one was really in a mood to talk so we just let the silence absorb us. I turned my attention to Harry, Cara, and their daughter. They were happy, clearly, and no one blamed them for that. It wasn’t exactly like they were smiling from ear to ear but they just had that glow that lately we’d all been missing. Last, my eyes trailed over Danielle and her kids. She had one hand on each of her sons shoulders as they stood in front of her. I didn’t bother looking at Delilah, her very presence was starting to disgust me. I almost lost my girlfriend and because of her the very last words I spoke to her would have been yelling for something she didn’t even do. The thought of the one missing person made me turn and search.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Nov 24, 2013 ⏰

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