Maybe the two were right. Maybe she did harbor some feelings for him. Maybe she knew the consequences of falling in love with a target. But somehow, she still managed to do the unexpected, under all the things that had happened in the last few weeks.

He was charming, had a weird but funny sense of humor, he deeply cared for the people, and most of all, he treated her with respect. Something most of the men she’s killed had nothing in common or even remotely the same traits as him. And it was something she had to admire about.

Do I honestly feel like this? About him? She didn’t take her eyes off of him, much less not think about him in the last few minutes she’s been in his room. The reoccurring memories of their moments had been an eventful trip in her mind. Their small but elegant dance moment, how she had saved him from Mirajane and how he’s saved her from death, even small moments when she would simply just stare at the man while he takes the stage or their little lunch breaks and whatnot. These moments, small yet sentimental, were great. She couldn’t help but bring a smile in those events.

Maybe me taking this target…. Maybe me meeting him… falling in… love with him… maybe it was fate? Destiny? Her heartbeat faster. She would’ve never expected to find love in her line of work, much less it being someone she had to kill. Then again, she would’ve never question the little faith she had in destiny. How it determined one’s life and the choices they made.

One thing on her mind that was really bugging her was if she did have those harbored feelings for him. Maybe… just maybe… She put away her Sai and leaned in towards Natsu. Closer and closer, her face was only mere inches away from his.

She could feel the hot and minty scent of his breath, now only mere centimeters away. She moved away her long hair, hoping it didn’t tickle the man. She had more options than this, but this one was the more direct approach and the one that can give her the answer she needed for the lingered question in her head.

Just like back at the ship, she felt that small flame become reignited. And that one hole she buried herself in, fill once again as she neared her lips to his. Her heartbeat continued to beat fast. But just like how she was trying to kill him, she became hesitant and pulled herself away from him. Shit…

She couldn’t have a definitive answer to her feelings much less have an intent on killing him. She just surrendered and left him be.

That same morning, Natsu awoke from his sleep as his alarm clock on both his phone and digital clock on the bedside counter rang simultaneously. He turned them off, having only the birds chirping as a sound.

As usual, he did his morning routine. He would go into the bathroom, shower, quickly change to much better and comfortable clothing, wash his teeth and after all that, head downstairs to the kitchen where he prepared his morning breakfast.

“Okay, let’s see what I have today…” He looked at his calendar that hanged on the refrigerator with a magnet. “Huh, look at that, I have nothing for today.”

With such a busy schedule he had, he didn’t expect himself to have some sort of free day. “Sweet.” He smiled profoundly, finally having some kind of rest after all the things he’s done and the things he’s been through.

He poured his cereal and right after, he poured his milk. He munched through his Cocoa Puffs while reading the daily newspaper. “Wonder what kind of small comic strips they have today…” He extended the newspaper over his breakfast and in front of him, being able to see all sorts of news.

From an explosion that happened downtown to ads from pizza restaurants, he saw the car accident that he was involved in on page 13. “Well, guess I should’ve expected this.”

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