{8} Rumors

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Chapter Eight Rumors

"I don't wanna do it." Cassidy whined. "Why do we have to do it?"

It was around ten o'clock and I finally got Cassidy to come with me after thirty minutes of trying to convince her to come. I didn't want to do it either, especially after the week we had.

To start it off, Jayce and I had another public argument about him not getting through his big head the concept of leaving me alone. It shouldn't have been such a big argument but with us everything was huge. I really didn't even know what happened. One second I was telling him to leave me alone and the next second I was shouting at him to find other girl to conquer. Which I probably shouldn't have said that because now Arianna hated me.

It wasn't like it wasn't true because it was. Jayce was using her for his own personal needs. But I shouldn't have humiliated her in front of an audience. I tried to apologize to her but she didn't want to talk to me. Jayce, on the other hand, said some hurtful things to me that he tried to take back but I wasn't talking to him. Not only did he hurt me in public, but he turned into an ice cold, jerk.

Yeah there was some days, back in high school and years before, when we had our fights but they were little ones.  They were the ones where one person could come around in an hour or two not the ones where it could take days to get over.

After Jayce yelled at me, I felt broken. Even through he tried apologizing, I couldn't forgive him that easily. I didn't even want to talk to him let only be in the same room as him but I didn't have a choice. We had one class in common, Theatre.

Other than that, I haven't seen him. Our different majors, didn't clashed together and I was thankful for that. Even after classes, I didn't see him much because he had football practice and I had cheer.

Then if that wasn't bad enough, rumors were being spread like a wildfire. I didn't know how it started but I knew there was no stopping it. It was either not say anything, and the rumors were true or say something and it would be considered defensive and true. There was no in between with these people.

Oh the best part was the rumor was Jayce and I had a friends with benefit thing going on but I was also sleeping with Chance. It was like I was the main whore on campus. Levi was pissed and so was Cassidy but even they couldn't find out who started the rumors.

I was the good girl with a freaky, wild side. Or as they put it, a good girl who hasn't got caught yet. I was grateful my mom hasn't found out. I pity the fool who has to deal with her raging wrath.

And to end the week, Nolan and Cassidy weren't talking. Cassidy was waiting for Nolan to apologize for flirting with a girl named, Amber, but Nolan said he wasn't going to because he wasn't flirting and Cassidy needed to calm down. They had an argument and Nolan didn't make it any better because he told her he didn't care.

It took every ounce of my body not to march over to him and punch some sense into him. It was day later and neither one of them were caving in yet.

"We're required to." I told her. "You know, maintain a good shape and all that."

"I have a good shape." She motioned to her body. "A sexy one."

She wasn't lying. She did have a good shape on her. She had curves all in the right places, a flat stomach and toned legs and arms. She really didn't need to work out but I didn't want to come alone.

I might be a cheerleader but I wasn't going to lie when I ate, I gained every calorie. I envy those girls with fast metabolism. Girls like Cassidy.

"Let's just get it over with."

She groaned but stepped on the treadmill. We started off slow and build our pace up.

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