{2} Being Late

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Chapter Two Being Late

My head was pounding and an "annoying, irritating sound" wasn't making it better. I covered my ears with my pillow, hoping it would drown out the unknown sound but it didn't.

"Make it stop." I said to no one in particular.

"What do you think I'm doing?" Cassidy's voice came beside me. "Where's your phone?"

I groaned. What did I do last night? "Why do you need my phone?" I muttered, concentrating on my words.

"Because the 'annoying and irritating sound' is coming from your phone."

It took my mind a couple of minutes to comprehend what she said. The noise was coming from my phone. Why would it be coming from my phone? The only reason why it would be coming from my phone was if I set an...Alarm!

The party. Cassidy forced me to go to it and I ended up drunk. I got drunk last night.
I shot up from my bed.

"I'm late!" I yelled, making my head pound. I hastily throw the covers off me and run around the small dorm room like a chicken with its head cut off.

I didn't have time to take a shower, I barely have time to change my outfit and wipe the smeared make up off my face. I searched for my phone and found it under Cassidy's and mine clothes on the floor.

I made a mental note to clean our room once I got back.

I was walking out the door when I realized Cassidy was going back to sleep. It was nearly 9:30.

"Are you not coming?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows.

She pulled the covers over head. "No. I told you that last night. You shouldn't go either. You're hungover." She reminded me.

"Speaking of last night, you have some explaining to do."

"I would love to tell you but you're late to class." She replied back.

"As soon as I get back, you are talking." I warned her, closing the door and racing to my first class, Literature.


I stared at my syllabus and back at my literature teacher. I rose my arm.

He looked at me. "Yes?"

I placed my arm down. "That's not on the syllabus, Mr. Chandler."

I didn't like it when we didn't follow what was listed. He wanted us to read the first hundred page of Hamlet and it wasn't written in our syllabus for that week. The assignment we were suppose to do for the next two week was Macbeth.

He glanced down at his roll call, searching for my name. When I walked into his class thirty minutes late, he didn't ask for my name. He just motioned for me to take a seat and I did.

His eyes shot up and stared at me, surprised. Almost like he didn't believe that what he found out was true. It couldn't be true.

"Colby Jaxon?" He said my name in a question tone. "That's your name?"

I nodded my head. "Yes, sir." I confirmed.

"Please, do not tell me you are related to Levi and Hunter Jaxon."

The corner of my lips curled up. I knew my older brothers made an impression at this college, I just hoped it was only for football and not for class. I should've known better.

"Sorry I can't." I told him. "They're my brothers."

"You look nothing like them." He stated, rising an eyebrow.

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