{11} Revenge

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Picture of Cassidy ^^^^

Chapter Eleven Revenge

I stuck my head out just until I could see everything I needed to. Levi and Anthony were just walking out their dorm room, laughing at whatever Levi had said. As soon as they locked their door and started turning in my direction, I jerked my head back.

I gestured from Cassidy to moved farther down.

"They're coming." I whispered and she nodded. We hid behind on of the big lounge couch they had on their floor as they walked passed us, smiling.

"Nigga, I won." Anthony said.

That was all I heard before they skipped down the stairs. I peered over the couch and they were out of sight. I stood up, slowly.

"Come on. They're gone." I told her.

Cassidy got up from the floor and we walked quickly to their room. I grabbed the spare key I stole from Hailey from my jacket and opened the door.

"We have to be quick." Cassidy informed me. "They'll be back soon."

I nodded once. "This shouldn't take long. Go handle Anthony and I'll take care of Levi."

"Alright. Here." She handed over the supplies I needed before dashing over to Anthony's side of the room.

I walked over to their bathroom (Which by the way, wasn't fair. Why did they get their own bathroom and we had to shared with everyone else?) and turned on the light. I opened the shower curtain and picked up Levi's shampoo. I smiled, evilly, as I opened it.

I added a couple or so drop of pink dye into it before shaking it up really good.

Levi really cared for hair. He called it his precious. He was really picky about who can touch it. I wasn't lying when I said, it took two months before Hailey was allowed to touch his hair and they were dating.

I moved on to his condition.

Revenge is sweet. I thought as I poured the melted chocolate into the bottle. Have fun getting this out.

I was placing the bottle down when Cassidy emerged from the other room.

"Are you done?"

"Just finished." I told her, closing the curtain. I turned the light off and I glanced at what Cassidy did.

I smirked. "He's gonna hate us."

Anthony loved his shoes. He loved them so much he probably would marry them, if he could. Cassidy left a big handprint on his brand new Jordan's, she smeared lipstick on his KD's and wrote I don't kiss and tell with a kiss print.

"Hopefully he doesn't see them before Levi takes a shower."

"Trust me he won't. Levi always takes a shower before his date with Hailey." I assured her. "Which reminds me..." I glanced down at my watch. "we better go."

She nodded and placed all the shoes back where they were. We left the room and quickly exited the building.

We hopped into the car and drove to our building, laughing.

"They're gonna kill us." Cassidy said, smiling.

"Hell yeah they are."

She was quiet from a moment then she asked something I never thought of before.

"How are we gonna do Jayce? I mean by the time we could do his, Levi and Anthony would found our revenge."

"You know what? I don't know." I shrugged. "I guess we'll sneak back over there when it's super dark."

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