{27} The Whole Story

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Chapter Twenty Seven The Whole Story

After explaining to Cass about helping Hailey with the National's routine, she immediately agreed to it. She was excited to make the music and throw in some of her crazy ideas.

"I know we're gonna be flipping a lot" Hailey said. "Jumping and stunts will be mixed in there, too, obviously. I'm working on the formations."

"I'm getting the music together. I have our college name throw in there a few times along with our wreck 'em saying."

Hailey nodded. "That's perfect. When do you think you'll have it done?"

Cassidy thought about it. "Give me two days and I'll have it done."

"Great." She turned to me. "Cole, do you think you could came up with our stunts and jumps. I'll have everything else."

I nodded. "Yeah. I can do stunts and jumps, no problem."

Hailey lets out a sigh of relief. "I don't know what I would do without y'all."

We smiled.

"I'm pretty sure you would've been fine." I told her.

"Bill would've killed me." She said. She glanced at her phone. "Oh! I have to go to. I'll see y'all later. We'll start practice definitely next week. So don't make any plans." She warned us.

Hailey left our dorm room and Cassidy began working on the music. I thought of what stunts and jumps we could use. Stunts were going take longer to work with than jumps. The only thing with jumps we had to be in perfect sync. If one person jumps too earlier or too late, the judges would definitely notice.

The same with tumbling. We had to time it just right or else we would run into the next group and ruin everything.

My phone chimed, indicating I had a new message. I was expecting anyone but him to text me after days of ignoring him. He sent me a couple messages and called me a few times until he dropped it.

All of his text said the same thing:

I'm sorry.

Talk to me, please.

Let me explain.

Those three messages were rearranged in different orders as he tried to get me to respond back. I never did. But this message was different.

I know you hate and would rather I dropped off the face of the earth but I can't do that until I tell you the whole story. Please allow me to tell you. -CK

I glanced at the time. It was close to being ten. Cassidy would get suspicious if I left this late and I was terrible lair. So I wasn't going to lie to her.


She looked up. "Yeah."

"Chance wants to talk to me."

"Yeah...he has been for a few days now." She said.

"I know that but this message his sent me, is desperate. He really wants to talk to me."

"About what? The list? Why he lied to you? What could he possible have to say to you?"

I shrugged. "I don't know but he said he needed to tell me the whole story."

She rose an eyebrow. "The whole story?" I nodded. "If you want to see him, go right ahead. I'm not gonna stop you."

I frowned. "You're not?"

She shook her head. "No but if you come back in tears, I swear I'm gonna hurt this time."

Cassidy would probably put him in a body bag and wouldn't mind doing the time for it. She would be glad. So in order for her not to end up behind bars, I had to make sure I didn't came back crying.

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