{15} Nightmare on Elm Street

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Chapter Fifteen Nightmare on Elm Street

Halloween was Cassidy's favorite holiday. She loved dressing up scary or as a sexy nurse. It was just something about the night of terror that intrigued her. She got free candy and could let her "inner hoe" out as she puts it.

She was highly upset when she found out we had a game tonight. She wanted to spend the day working on her outfit. I told her just go to Party City or somewhere to buy a costume but she wasn't having it. She wanted something more original this year. Soon she realized she couldn't do original and went to pick out a costume.

So after the game, we quickly rushed to our room to get ready for the Halloween party. Cassidy signed, heavily, as she picked up her costume.

"Not what I had in mind" She said, studying the outfit. "But it'll do."

I glanced at her through the mirror. "It suits you."

Her eyes brightened. "You think?"

I nodded my head. "Hands down."

She pursed her lips as she looked at her costume. "You're right! It does. I mean I doubt anyone could pull off being Harley Quinn beside Margot Robbie."

She stripped down and stepped into the fishnet leggings before putting on the itty bitty red shorts. She slipped on the tiny tight white shirt with the caption Daddy's Lil Monster in black on. She puts on the red and blue leather jacket before sliding into her red converse.

While she did her crazy make up, I finished my own make up. I had a red star right in the middle of my forehead. I did my hair in big loose curls before putting on my costume.

The top was a sleeveless gold and red leather material and the bottom was made with the same material but it was dark blue shorts. I pulled the black boots up my legs before putting on the big golden hoops in my ears and a big golden bracelet on my left wrist.

"Ready, good ass." Cassidy said, picking up her wooden bat and putting it on her shoulders with her fingers wrapped around the top and bottom of the bat.

I smiled. "Whenever you are, bad ass." I told her as I grabbed my gold lasso and and we walked out the room.

When we stepped outside, Nolan was already waiting for us, leaning against his car. I laughed when I saw what he was.

"Nice costume."

Cassidy wrapped her arms around Nolan's waist as she hugged him from the side.

"Leave my baby alone." She told me. "I think he makes a very sexy wolverine."

She smiled at him before stepping on the tip of her toes to whisper in his ear. I didn't have to know what she was telling him because the Cheshire cat smile gave it away.

She placed her heels back on the ground before hopping into the car. Once everyone was in, Nolan drove us to the party.

Just like any other party or club, music was oozing out the place. We weaved through the throng and into the back of the house.

"Why aren't y'all cute." Cassidy said, grinning at Levi and Hailey.

Levi chuckled. "We try."

Levi was dressed as a cop and Hailey was one of her favorite character of the tv show Orange is the New Black. She had fake sleeve tattoos and her blond hair in two braids that started at the front of her head.

"I feel like y'all should've switched costume." I said.

"Nah, sweet thang, knows who top boss is." Levi told us, flexing his arm.

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