{42} An Unexpected Trip

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Chapter Forty Two An Unexpected Trip

Spring break had finally arrived and I was very much grateful for the week off. I needed the break to ease my mind. College was stressful and I couldn't wait to be finish with my first year.

But of course, my teachers couldn't give me a break. They gave us assignments that would keep us occupied for a while. I decided that they sooner I got them finish went, the better it would be for me.

So while everyone enjoyed their first day off, I locked myself into my room and got busy to completing my hell of assignments.

It took me a few hours to get them finished but at least they wouldn't have to be on my mind anymore.

Hailey couldn't risk giving us a week off so during our break, we would have schedule practices here and there. Most people had plans for the break and so instead of canceling them, Hailey told them to practice the routine in their spare time.

But for the ones who were going to be here, we didn't have a choice. You had to be there unless you had a very good reason for missing it.

Mom and Vonna planned a surprised trip for us and they said it was a special treat for us because of all the hard work we had put in during the year.

"So we are we going?" Levi asked. "Is it Hawaii?"

Mom shook her head. "No, it's not Hawaii but someone nice. I think you'll enjoy it."

"It's California." Vonna informed us. "You're hotel is in Anaheim and it's for five nights. Now of course we got two rooms. One for the boys and the another one for the girls but we knew that's not how it's going to stay. If.." She stopped to correct herself. "When you switch rooms, please don't do anything stupid."

Mom nodded her head. "I prefer you all to stay in your designated room but I know how you get so be safe."

"So..when do we leave?" Levi asked.

"In the morning." Mom replied. "So go pack for five days and pack extras just in case."

Levi and I made our way up the stairs to get everything ready for our unexpected trip. Since we were going to be California, I packed shorts and short sleeves shirts. I put in a few bathing suits and pajamas. I packed my make up bag and all my hair supplies.

Everything else, I would pack in the morning. I set my suitcase by my door as I walked out my room and downstairs.

"That's not fair!" Landon was saying as I entered the living room. "Why do they get to go to California and we have to stay here."

"If you would wait and patient, I was going to tell you Blair and I are taking you, Skylar and Devon to Florida."

"Oh." Was all Landon said.

"We're leaving the day after them." Mom added.

"So what are we gonna do in Florida?" Landon asked.

"It's a surprise." Vonna told her son.

Skylar bounced up and down, excitedly, on her toes. "I can't wait! Momma, can we see the sea turtles and dolphins?"

Vonna smiled at her. "I'm sure we can do that."

"I'm fine with that as long as we see sharks." Landon said.

"Sharks are horrible." Skylar told him. "They're mean."

I glanced over to Jayce and he was wearing his black shark tooth I gave him for his birthday.

"Sharks are amazing." He argued.

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