{29} Jayce's Story

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Chapter Twenty Nine Jayce's Story

I didn't talk to Jayce right away. I didn't know how to approach him. I mean I was still kind of embarrassed showing up in his dorm room with nothing but lingerie on and a trench coat.

He tried hundreds of time to reach out to me after that day and did I hold my hand out and let him grab on to it? No, I didn't. I was too stubborn.

But I figured since I gave Chance a chance to explain himself, I could let him do the same. It was only fair, right? I didn't know when I was planning on speaking to him but I didn't have to decided the day. He did that for me.

I was at work, clearing off a table. I took the dirty plates and cups into the back and set them down. I walked through the double doors and Miss. Diana had already seated a family of six.

I headed that way and greeted them with a smile on my face.

"Hi. How are y'all today?"

"We're very well." The mother, I was assuming, replied.

"That's good. What can I start y'all off to drink with?"

I pushed in three waters with lemons, one sweet tea, one coke and one sprite on the tablet. I informed them I would have them right out and went to the back to get their drinks and appetizer.

I placed them on the round, black, tray and took straight to them.

"Do you need more time or are y'all ready to order?"

"Can you give us a few minutes?" The father requested.

I nodded. "Okay. I'll come back."

On the way to the back, I stopped at one of my tables and asked them how they were doing. They didn't say much due to the food shoved in their mouths. Other than to refill their drinks, they didn't say anything else.

I took that as a sign that they loved their meal and I prayed they would leave me with a good tip. Well, a tip. I mean a good tip was always welcomed, too.

I brought back a tub of their drink and filled up their cups. I returned to the family of six and punched in their orders. I told them it would be ready in fifteen minutes. I wasn't gonna lie to them and tell them it would be right out, like I have been.

I mean, seriously, it never came right out. It took some time. Especially if you wanted your food cooked thoroughly. After making my rounds to each of my tables, I headed to the back.

Cassidy was in there taking off her apron.

"Taking your lunch break?" I asked.

She looked at me. "Yeah. Nolan's on his way right now. He's been complaining how hungry he is so he's buying me lunch. And I figure while I'm out I could stop by the shop and make a payment."

It was late January and the last payment we made, well I made, was back in November. Larry, one of our friends and the owner of the shop, was kind enough and didn't make us pay in December.

When I went to the shop to make the payment, I met Larry's younger, half brother, Eric. He wanted my number even though Larry told him I was off limit. I didn't know why he said that but I was thankful he did.

I didn't want to say mean or anything but Eric seemed kind of creepy. I didn't know him and I didn't want to know him. He kept staring at me the whole time I was in there.

Cassidy agreed with me that he was creepy and that had to mean something if she agreed on it. But then again she thought he was hot, too.

He was a creepy, hot guy with brown eyes, named Eric. That's all I knew and that was all I wanted, needed, to know.

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