{49} I Fell Apart

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Chapter Forty Nine I Fell Apart

It was finally Friday and I planned on staying in for the night to do my assignments for the week but of course with the group of friends I had, it seemed like my plans weren't going to happen. Cassidy been plotting this night for some days now and she wouldn't give up until everyone agreed to go.

"Do I really have to go?" I asked, sitting on my bed.

"Yes! Everyone's going."

"I don't know, Cass. It seems like every time we do go out, something always happens."

Whether it be me getting totally wasted, or doing something I had no business doing. The last time we went to the club as a group we winded up in jail.

"We're not going to jail again." She said, rolling her eyes. "Think of it as a couple night out with me, Nolan, Hailey, Levi, Jayce and you."

"What about Sabrina and Anthony?"

"They have their own plans." She told me. "So are you gonna say yes now?"

"You're not gonna stop bugging so I really don't have a choice but to say yes."

She smiled. "That's my girl." She stood up. "Alright get dressed. We're leaving in thirty minutes."

Groaning, I got off my bed and headed for my closet. I looked through the outfits I had and pulled out a short olive green halter dress along with gold straps heels.

I did my make up simple because I was short on time. I left my hair in its natural curly state. I put on my dress and stepped into the heels.

"Looking good, girl." Cassidy commented.

I smiled. "Thanks. You do too." I said, glancing at her outfit.

She wore a dress as well and her dark long hair was in a high ponytail. We grabbed our purse and walked out the room. We stepped into the warm night air and headed for Cassidy's car.

"They're gonna meet us up there." She informed me as she reversed out.

"We are we going?"

"You'll see." She smiled. "It'll be fun, I promise."

Not long enough, we arrived to a karaoke bar. I spotted Jayce's trunk along with Levi's car. Cassidy and I walked into the building and scanned the room until we found our group.

"Hey, baby." Jayce greeted me as I sat beside him.

"Hey." I told him as I held his hand.

We enjoyed ourselves as we listened to different people go on stage and sing their hearts out. Some couldn't a hit a note to save their life but I wasn't one to talk because neither could I.

"You didn't sign us up, right?" Hailey asked Levi.

He shook his head. "No, we didn't. We knew how mad y'all would be if we did and we didn't need that."

Hailey smiled. "Good."

"I bet if Dad was here, he would've." I said.

"You don't mention that loser." Levi replied.

I rolled my eyes. "It was a week ago, let it go already."

"I will not." He said. "If you forgotten, he's the reason why we lost the kickball tournament."

"Yeah we know." Nolan said. "He couldn't help it. The sun was in his eyes."

"So he claimed." Cassidy said.

"He should've said something and I would've caught the ball." Jayce said.

"Well we can't do anything about it now." I told them. "At least we placed second and got a t-shirt."

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