{32} Needle and Thread

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Chapter Thirty Two Needle and Thread

There was nothing worse than who or what was coming for us. She would be here in ten minutes and that wasn't enough time to mentally prepare myself for her reaction.

I didn't want to be here any longer than I had to be but now I was just hoping I could spend the night here when I heard who was bailing us out.

I leaned my head against the blank, boring, wall, staring up at the ceiling.

When the cops came they didn't ask any questions, they just hand cuffed everyone in the mix and shoved us in the car.

They put us into two different holding cells but we were right next to each other, only a wall separated us.

We each had one phone call to make and no one knew who to call. Cassidy couldn't call her parents because they couldn't bail us out. Chance's dad would be pissed if he knew he landed himself in jail over something stupid. Jayce's parents just didn't answer just like Nolan's parents. Sabrina and Hailey didn't even bother to call anyone.

They said there was no point. Their parents were out of town for the night.

So that just left Levi and I. We, obviously, didn't want to call Mom so we called Dad. When I called him, he didn't answer but when Levi called again, someone apparently answered.

It wasn't who we wanted.

"So tell me again why the hell you called Mom?" I asked Levi.

"For the last time, I didn't call her. I called Dad, she just picked up. Do you honestly think I'm that stupid enough to call her of all people?"

"Guys look at the bright side." Hailey said. "At least we don't have to spend the night in here."

"Trust me, you would rather stay in here than face our mother." Levi told her.

Q laughed and we all looked at her. She was missing a few pieces of her braids from when Cass had yanked them out.

"Why are you laughing?" Cass asked her. "No. Nevermind don't even answer that. You're the reason why we got thrown in here in the first place."

Cass looked better but her outfit could tell you she got into a fight. The only ones who weren't bruised were Hailey and Sabrina. I had a bruise forming on my hip from when I landed on the ground.

All the guys had a bruise or two from their fight and I could only imagine what Mom would say about it.

Not only did we have a fight but were charged with underage drinking. That's not going to go well with her.

"I just have a question." Sabrina said when she called a officer over to the bars. "I didn't do anything so why am I in here again?"

Sabrina was the type of girl who wanted a perfect record so was I but I didn't mind if I had a small incident on my record. So tonight was my small incident.

"We got orders to bring in everyone who was involved in the fight." He responded.

"Okay but I didn't fight anyone."

"You were standing right there, ma'am."


"Sabrina just sit down. He's not gonna release you." Hailey told her.

"Is this going to on my records?" Sabrina asked.

"It's going on everyone's record for now." I said. "Once they figure it out, it'll disappear."

Q's boyfriend made a snide comment about Sabrina and of course Anthony wasn't going to let that slide by him. They started agruing. I sighed, irritated. This was why we were here in the first place.

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