{28} The Second Half

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Chapter Twenty Eight The Second Half

As the day went by it got closer to the day I didn't want to happened but it did, and there was nothing I could do about it. She died four days after Chance told me his story.

Four days.

I wasn't the best comforter out there but at least I wasn't the worse. I always hated people who said:

"It's okay. She's in a better."

No, it wasn't okay. It never will be okay. You only learn how to get use to that pain. You would always miss them more as the days passed by.

And in a better place? That might be true but it did nothing to ease the pain you're feeling. Nothing you could say could make it any better. Nothing at all.

I guess I could be glad she wasn't suffering anymore. But if she was in any pain, those last few days, she didn't show it.

She had that heartwarming, sweet, smile on her face the whole entire time. I was happy I got to spend time with her. It was only for immediate family but Rhesa had wanted me to be there.

Chance's older sisters flew into town and we did everything to make Rhesa smile and laugh. She wasn't scared that she was dying. She was just sad that she had to leave her family so soon.

Before I left her, the night of her death, she told me something I would never forget. It was about Chance, her only son.

"Cole, I want to thank you for being here. I know Chance would never admit this but I know he's glad that you are. He might not have made the best decisions but believe me he isn't some cruel heartless person. What he did to you was very wrong and I thank you for speaking with him and forgiving him. Thank you. You're a very very kind gorgeous girl and I'm please to know Chance had the chance to know you. Thank you for loving him and opening his eyes. You changed him and for that I'm thankful. I'm leaving this world soon but I wanted you know that. My family is going to be lost without me for some time but I hope that one day they would move on without feeling as sad. Especially, Chance. He doesn't handle sadness very well. I'm keeping you too long so I'm going to wrap this up and finish with a thank you."

She gave me her smile and I gave her one last hug. If I would've knew that would be the very last time I would've saw her, I would've told her she didn't need to thank me at all. I would've said anything but nothing.

When I heard that she passed away in her sleep, I broke down. I knew if I was feeling this way after knowing her for a short amount of time, her family felt ten times worse.

I showed up at her funeral and sat beside Chance as he cried. I wanted to be strong for him and let him know that he could lean on me during his time of grief.

I went to their house and did as much as I could. Leo took some days off of work and Evelyn and Heaven, Chance's sisters, stayed to be closer to their family.

Even though they didn't say it, I knew they were grateful I was there. But I didn't mind. No, not one bit. I was just glad they were allowing me to be there for them, with them.

I was in the kitchen, preparing the meal when Chance finally spoke to me. His eyes were still red from the tears and his had dark circles under his eyes.

"Have you watched the video?"

I shook my head. "No. Not yet."

"Why not?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. I guess I'm scared to see what's on there."

"You don't have to be. I promise it's not bad like the first video." He assured me.

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