Actually Starting the Job

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(Still August 14th)
I widened my eyes when he dragged me away.
"Shhh!! You can't let people know it's me!" He said, and started to walk away.
"Wait!" I yelled, trying to tell him that I will be working with him. But he didn't turn back around. He was gone. I made my way to Big Hit, and walked to the front desk.
"Hi, how may I help you?" Asked the person at the desk.
"Um... Hi, I'm Y/N, and I'm supposed to start work today." I said.
"Oh! Yes, Y/N." She replied as she typed my name into the computer searching where I was supposed to go.
"You're going to be the manager of BTS, so you will be going to the 2nd floor, the 4th door on the right." She said, pointing to row of elevators. I was flabbergasted. I'M GOING TO BE THE MANAGER FOR BTS?! Holy crap. I walked to the elevators and gathered all of my thoughts.
"Stay calm, be professional." I whispered to myself, trying to calm myself down before I entered the room. I knocked on the door, pretty quiet, but the door slowly opened.
"Hi! Yes?" asked RapMon, the leader of BTS
"Hi," I said shyly, "um, I'm supposed to be your manager starting today." I said, obviously nervous.
"Oh yeah! Hey guys! Introduce yourselves to our new manager." He yelled to his other members. All of the other members rushed over to the door and RapMon pushed them back trying to give me some room to walk into the room. Then I remembered that I saw Jungkook earlier that day, and when he saw me, our eyes met.
"YOU'RE OUR NEW MANAGER?!" shouted Jungkook. The other member looked at him shocked,
"You know her?" The other members asked in unison.
"Um," laughed Jungkook, "not really, I just saw her today."
The other members nodded at this. Everyone introduced themselves and I introduced myself as well. We then sat down and talked about their next debut and the theme. They were not going to be 'bad boy'/'boyfriend' style, but 'youth', as in youth has no age. They had to re-new their look--of course for this new theme, so we started talking more and more and it got late. It was 10:47pm, and I needed to get home, the other members are staying at their dorms, so I started to head back, until I was stopped by the lady at the front desk, who was getting ready to leave as well.
"Do you know how to get to the dorms?" she asked. I didn't know what she meant by this, because I have an apartment not too far, but I asked anyway,
"Um.. What? What dorms?"
"You're staying with BTS since you are their manager now."

A/N: I am SO SO SO sorry for not updating... don't worry i have more time now, so I'll be updating more -Kimika<3

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