Chapter 35: Harry

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We were all hidden within the trees in front of Hawthorn Academy. All of us were scanning around the place and making sure that there was no way of us being spotted. With a simple nod from Niall, we all scattered and began to do our jobs. Louis and I were to take out the hunters from the back part of the castle, Liam was to take the left, Zayn the right, and Niall was to clear out the front side of the castle. Once we took care of all the hunters in the front, we were to hide the bodies one mile away from the castle in a ditch. As Louis and I disposed of the bodies, the others appeared with their own set of bodies to dump. After our bodies were placed in the ditch, we buried them.

“Do you think we sounded an alarm?” Liam asked.

“Not that I know of,” Niall shook his head. “We do not have that much time before someone discovers the missing hunters. We have to move quickly.”

We all ran back to Hawthorn and jumped over the silver gates. We stood near the doors and very quietly opened it. There was no one in the front and it seemed like there had been no notice of anything happening.

“She is through that door,” Niall pointed at the large wooden door near the stairs. We quickly went towards the stairs but froze when we heard the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs. We quickly went inside the dungeon and waited to see if the hunters would go down the dungeon. From the voices, I was able to figure out who was talking.

“You go down there every single night!” Julianna said. “Enough is enough for one night! How could you leave your own niece down there? She is your family!”

“I saw her helping that bitch. Jazlyn is growing soft for those monsters! This will show her that vampires shouldn’t have a soft spot in anyone’s heart.”

“Victor, this vampire is hungry! It can kill her!”

“Jazlyn knows what to do. She has been in training and if she does die, then that just means how she wasn’t ready. We both trained her well so she should know what to do.”

“You’ve changed, Victor. You would’ve never done this to your own family. This vampire is changing who you are. You don’t eat or sleep. You stay down there all afternoon and night. I’m worried about you.”

“You don’t need to worry about me. After this vampire cooperates, everything will be back to normal. You’ll see.”

“It will die before you could get a word out of it and you know that. Victor, Jazlyn doesn’t deserve to be down there all night. Please, let her go.”

“I’m done having this conversation with you. If I find out you went down in the dungeon, we are going to have problems, Julianna. Leave her in there.”

As soon as we heard the footsteps going away from the door, we all sighed in relief. I looked down the stairs of the dungeon. “They said Jazlyn is down here.”

Without waiting for the others, I walked through the dungeon, looking through each cell. I stopped when I saw Jazlyn, sitting against the wall with her eyes closed. Feeling someone watching her, she glanced over at me and her eyes widen. She quickly got up and ran over to me. She slid her hands through the bars and held my hands.

“Harry, you’re alright!” she gasped. “I was so worried!”

“I’m here now, Baby.”

Niall came next to me and his whole body tensed. “Angelina!”

I looked where Niall was looking and turned away. Resting on the wooden bench was a very thin and frail corpse that had too white skin. Her arms and legs had horrible wounds from a stab or a syringe. Her back was facing upwards and her arm was off the bench.

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