Chapter 22: Jazlyn

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Note to self: Take better care of where I hide my weapons, I said in my head. I couldn’t believe that Harry thought that I was only carrying a stake just to help fight off that enemy coven. The first thought I had was: He knows I’m a hunter! I’m screwed!

Boy, was I wrong.

While the fight continued between Angelina and Niall, the rest of us decided to watch a movie that was on TV. They still needed to discuss what Zayn and Louis found out about that enemy coven. I wondered if they were going to allow me to listen since I was also in need to be “protected” by the enemy coven.

When the movie was almost over, Niall and Angelina came downstairs. They were holding hands and it seemed like their issues were resolved. Louis’s jaws were clenched, but his face was composed.

As Angelina and Niall went down the stairs, she said, “So, let’s get to the important matters.” Niall sat down in the single couch and Angelina sat on the arm of the couch. “What did you boys find out about the coven?”

Zayn sat up, “They have twenty members in the coven.”

“Did you see the leader?”

He nodded.

“How old?”

“I’d say around three hundred maybe four.”

“A three to four hundred year old leader with a coven of twenty,” Angelina noted. “Do they have any allies?”

Zayn shook his head, “Not that we could dig up.”

“What’s the leader’s name?” Niall asked.

“His name is Damon.”

“Damon?” Angelina straightened. “Are you sure?”

Louis nodded. “I had a conversation with him about Mason and Jared.”

“So,” I began. “You knew Mason and Jared, but not the leader? Why is that?”

“The leaders of vampire covens usually never go out for safety precautions. They usually just stay put and let their coven members do whatever they want.”

“They just let their covens do whatever they want?”

“Not necessarily,” Angelina assured her. “They let their coven do whatever they want, but they also have to know their limitations, right Harry?”

Harry shifted slightly. I held his hand to try to comfort him.

“Back to the topic,” Liam said. “Do you know who Damon is?”

Angelina nodded. “I encountered him once. He’s a twisted vampire, finds it amusing torturing and beating up a victim amusing. He thinks that he is the oldest and strongest vampire in all of England. He wants to be the Vampire King of England.”

Niall snickered, “A nonexistent title.”

“He may have a large coven, but they aren’t strong. They’re weaklings and easy to kill.”

“What do you think we do?’ Zayn asked.

“We will wait until they come to us. It’s most likely that Damon would send a small group to come after us if they find out that we are the coven that they are looking for.”

“Why wouldn’t they send everyone at once?” I questioned. “If they know that there is only six of you, then wouldn’t Damon just send you all to get it over and done with?”

Angelina shook her head. “Damon would send a small group to see how strong our coven is. He would rather lose a handful of his coven rather than all of them at once.”

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