Chapter 2: Jazlyn

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“Now boarding seats from sections twenty four to thirty six,” the flight attendant announced.

With excitement, I jumped out of my seat and walked toward the entrance gate. I was finally going to London. I was finally going to go on a big adventure, stay in a dorm, and possibly meet some British hunks. As I walked closer to the gate to get line, a man moved in front of me, practically nearly bumping into me.

“Uh, excuse me, no cuts.”

The man sighed out of annoyance, not giving me a lot of attention. “You should’ve walked faster if you wanted to get in line,” he said with a thick British accent.

I wanted to pull a good chunk of his curly hair out of his head. “Well, you should’ve at least said ‘excuse me’ for almost bumping into me.”

“Excuse me, but my friend is right there so he is going to what you call ‘cut’ you.”

True to his word, another man came and stood next to him. My mouth dropped, glaring at the two rude boys who just cut in front of me. I wanted to go and report them, but I’m not in high school anymore so telling on two boys would be childish. So not wanting them to have the pleasure of them ruining my trip to London, I dropped the subject and remained positive.

Besides, it’s not like I am going to see them anytime soon right?

Once I sat down on my seat, I opened my purse and grabbed my new school’s brochure. Apparently, the school was an old castle back in the medieval times and they just rebuilt it, making it suitable to be a school.

“You going to Hawthorn Academy?”

I glanced up and saw a girl with dark brown hair and a boy with light brown hair, holding hands. I smiled at them. “Yeah, are you going too?”

“Yep,” the guy said. “And it looks like we're sitting together.”

“Great, I’m Jazlyn.”

“I’m Melissa and this is my boyfriend, Darren.”

“Nice to meet you guys,” I smiled at them as they sat down. “So, was it easy for you guys to get in the school?”

“Definitely not,” Darren sighed. “It was hard for one of us to get in, but for both of us to get in, it was a lot harder.”

“It really was hard for the both of us to get in the school since we are dating and stuff, but we finally did it. So, why did you want to go to Hawthorn Academy?”

“Well, I heard that it was a really great place to learn and the fact that it’s in London makes things a lot better.”

“You think that you can handle all of it?”

“I think it is going to get some getting used to, but I think that it’s possible to get the hang of things there.”

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