Chapter 5: Harry

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It had been a week since Angelina’s last call. She told us that for now, England didn’t have any headquarters so we were safe. Even though we were safe in the flat we chose in London, Angelina still wanted us away from the city. She told us to head to her estate, Flordeliza, all the way in the countryside. Liam didn’t seem to agree with it, but I was all for going to her place.

“You do realize that it is a three day travel from there to here?” Liam asked me the night we decided to leave. “You complained about living in Vermont and in this flat, yet you want to go to a place where it takes most of the day to get to the nearest town?”

“Her place is a lot better compared to all the others we stayed at. Besides, I have more fun there then I do here. At least I’m allowed to get out unlike being in the city and it takes a day in a half to get to the estate by running, instead of taking a car.”

Liam thought it through. We both knew that we were faster than cars. If we took the roads that was created for heading halfway to Angelina’s place it would take a two and a half. Then the rest of the way would have to be horseback which will equal to three days of travel. If we chose to run, then we could skip the roads and not worry about being seen since the human eyes can’t see us due to the speed we can run.

As we were heading to Flordeliza, my mind ventured on the times I went there. There was only two times I went there and this would only be the third time. Her place seemed like a fairytale coming to life. Then again, isn’t my life practically nonsense that could be in a book?

Angelina walked with me through a forest one night. It was two weeks after I was transformed that she allowed me to go back to her home. I felt relieved to be back in England. I was expecting Angelina to have a cottage or a simple house in the countryside so I wasn’t excited to see her home, but more excited to meet the other vampires that she changed.

I glanced over at Angelina, who was wearing a floor length black leather corset coat and a dark gray dress. With the hood of her coat on, she looked even more mysterious than she already was. She looked around the forest for a moment.

What are you looking for?” I asked.

Without looking at me, she answered, “I’m making sure we aren’t seen.” Until she was certain, she looked at me. “Follow me and please, keep up.”

A gush of wind passed me. I glanced over and realized that Angelina was running. Quickly, I began to run so that I wouldn’t lose her. What would’ve taken hours for a mere human, it only took seconds to get through the forest. Out of the forest, we went passed a long field. The smell of the wet grass and wild flowers brushed into my nose. I never smelled something so clean before. It was so fresh since there were no roads or houses created.

Within minutes, the field transitioned back into a forest. We ran through the forest for about ten minutes until I decided to look up at the sky. There were so many stars. I never seen so many in my whole life.

I looked ahead of me and realized that Angelina stopped running. Quickly, I tried to stop too, but I was going to fast to where I would run into Angelina. In a swift movement and without looking behind her, Angelina lifted her arm from behind and pushed me back so that I wouldn’t run into her, but instead a tree ten feet away from her.

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