Chapter 17: Harry

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The sun’s rays were peeking between the curtains of my room. There was one beam in particular that was irritating me since it was flashing right at my eyes. I was so tempted to close it, but I didn’t want to. Lying down on my chest was Jazlyn. She was fast asleep with her arm wrapped around me. Neither of us slept until dawn and the afternoon sun in my eyes disallowed me to go right back to sleep.

I glanced down at her, moving some strands away from her face. Her lips were swollen from us kissing last night, but she said that she didn’t mind it. How she explained it, she said it just meant that we are good kissers. There was a light knock on the door and Liam slowly peered inside. He gestured silently to me that he needed to speak to me. From the look of his face, it seemed important. Carefully, I got of bed and tucked Jazlyn in. She moaned softly and sunk her head deeper on the pillow.

I followed Liam downstairs where Louis and Zayn were. On the coffee table was the house phone with its light on, meaning someone was on the phone. “He’s here, Angelina,” Liam said.

“Good,” Angelina began. “I heard something interesting last night that you boys need to know since you are there. Apparently, there is a rogue vampire.”

“What do you mean a rogue vampire?” Zayn asked her.

“Do you boys remember Jared and Mason?” Angelina asked. “According to others, they were killed a few nights ago.”

Oh, shit. “Maybe it was hunters,” I suggested, even when I knew what happened to them.

“No,” Angelina said. “Apparently, their coven leader said their heads were practically ripped off them. Last I checked, no human can do that.”

I swallowed the lump in my throat. I’m so in for it…

“So, what’s the big deal with vampires killing other vampires?” Zayn asked.

“You know how it’s against the law for humans to kill humans? It’s the same thing as vampires. Only our laws or more…intense than the humans.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“As in, whoever killed Mason and Jared is going to be hunted by their coven. If the coven leader doesn’t give up the rogue vampire, there is going to be a war between covens, and it’s a good chance that the royalty could step in if it gets out of hand.”

“So it’s either the rogue vampire gets it or hell breaks loose?”

“If that’s how you want to call it, Zayn, then yes.”

“I feel sorry for that idiot,” Zayn mumbled.

That idiot is me, Zayn, I thought to myself. Angelina is going to kill me.

“Even though I doubt it, please tell me you boys didn’t kill them.”

One by one, they said their denials of even stepping paths with Mason and Jared. Everyone looked over at me, waiting for me to answer. “No,” I muttered. There was a long pause for a moment on the other end. It made me slightly worried that Angelina paused. It was making me think that she didn’t believe me.

“Good,” she said finally. “Harry, I need to talk to you real quick about certain matters.”

I cleared my throat, “Alright.” She knows that I killed them! “What’s going on?” I asked.

“Liam told me that you brought Jasmine back to the penthouse.”

Louis and Zayn snickered and Liam tried not to say a word to him.

“Jazlyn,” I corrected.

“What did I say?”

“Jasmine,” I answered.

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