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He slammed his fist against the vampire’s face. The leader of the Black Knights was full of determination to get the information out of the vampire. He wanted the information out about who the leader of the vampire’s coven was. There was a rumor that if a vampire coven leader was destroyed, so will the creations. The hunter wanted to get the information out so that he could capture the leader, find out more information, and then kill the creature, along with its creations.

“Tell me where your leader is,” the hunter demanded to the vampire. “Answer the question, you monster!”

“My Louis…” the vampire growled through his teeth.

“Fine, Louis, now tell me where is your coven? Where is your leader?! Who is the eldest in your coven?!”

Louis groaned as the silver chains around his wrists burned him. He had been stuck with the Black Knights for about three months, but they didn’t start torturing him until the past week. Louis didn’t want to say who was their leader and the eldest. His leader was the eldest vampire, but they haven’t been in contact with each other due to complications, but the leader always did send out letters telling Louis and the other member of his coven, Zayn, where the rest of them were just in case they wanted to see each other again. He wished that he never went into that club in Paris and met that blonde bimbo that ended up being a hunter.

“I don’t know,” Louis groaned.

“Liar!” the hunter punched him. “We can do this however long you want, bloodsucker.”

“I don’t know!” Louis shouted at him.

The hunter grabbed silver nails and a hammer. “Alright, have it your way.” The hunter slammed one nail into Louis’s fingers. Louis cried out every time the nail slammed into a finger of his. The burning sensation and the aching was too much for him to handle.

As the hunter reach over to do the other set of fingers, Louis cried out, “Wait! Wait, wait, wait! Don’t! I’ll tell you where my leader is if you let me go alive.”

“You’re also going to tell us who is older too?”

“Yes!” he cried out with defeat. “I’ll tell you what you need to know…”

“Alright, spill. Where is the rest of your coven, especially where is your leader?”

Louis took a deep breath. I’m sorry, he thought. I’m sorry that I’m about to do this… “They’re in Vermont.”

“Who’s the eldest?”

“A woman named Angelina...she’s also the leader.”

“Are you sure they are in Vermont?”

Louis nodded weakly. “They will be there. Now, let me the fuck out of here.”

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