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Zayn and Louis plans to make a small reunion today, just the two of them, especially, they not met each other since the birth of Louis's son, and it's almost two years ago ( a/n : this is just my imagination ) 😀.

Currently, Zayn is on the way to Louis's house. Well, he should call him first, they suppose to meet two hours later, but he wants to make a surprise visit.

About 30 minutes later, he already stand in front of Louis's front door.

He press the doorbell, but no one answer it, he press it again, still no answer. Then he call Louis's phone, no answer either. Until he make a phone call several times again, but still no answer.

He knows his surprise plan is stupid, maybe Louis still not ready to go? Maybe he still asleep? Yeah, maybe he is.

Zayn walk back to his car, maybe he can spend time by just drive around for a while, but his instinct order him to walk back again, so he did it.

He's back to Louis's front door and just push the door. It surprise him that apparently it's unlock, so he push it further more.

"Hello? Anybody home?"

He try to call whoever it is that heard him, but once again, no answer, no child's sound too. Now he really worried, is something happen?

"Hello? Lou? Are you home?"

Still no answer. Finally he decide to walk in deeper, to living room, dining room, kitchen, bathroom, until bedroom. That's when he heard someone throwing up.

He rush in just to see Louis sat in bed while hold a bucket, vomiting his guts out.


Zayn sat beside him and rubs his nape and back gently.

"Oh my God, you're burning up."

Louis just make a glance before throw up again.

Minutes later, Louis stop vomiting and lay his body down while gasp for air.

"Z, I'm so sorry. I heard you come, but-..."

Louis close his eyes and try to catch his breath.

"Hey, it's okay, Lou. I understand. I'll grab a water for you, okay?"

Louis just nodded weakly. Minutes later, Zayn back with a glass of water in his hand.

"Here is your water, Lou."

"Thank you, Z."

"Your welcome."

Louis sips his water a litle while Zayn rubs his back comfortingly.

"How do you feel now?"

"A bit better, still dizzy though."

Zayn touch his forehead and frown a little.

"You are warm, Lou. Do you have a medicine?"

"I don't know, maybe in the cabinet? There is also Freddie's medicine."

"Okay, wait here, I'll search for it, do you still want to throw up?"

"I don't think so, for now."

Louis grimace before massage his temple while the other hand grip his stomach.

Zayn quickly emptying the bucket before put it back beside Louis's bed.

"Here, just in case."

"Thank you, Z."

"Alright, I'll continue to search your medicine, do you want tea?"

"Yes, please."

Zayn nodded before went to the kitchen in search for medicine and to make a tea, but when he's back Louis is vomiting again to the bucket.

He rush beside him and rubs Louis's back in a comfort way.

After about 5 minutes, he stop and lay back down on the bed, crying silently.

"Hey, hey, what happen? Why are you crying?"

"I'm so sorry, Z, I ruin our day."

"No, no, you're not ruining it. I'm glad even if we're not doing anything, instead just talking like this. Oh, by the way, where is your son? I didn't hear a child's sound since-..."

"There's another reason why I'm crying. He was sick days ago."

Zayn gasp a little.


"Yeah, but he is fine now, I hope...I'm just afraid he falls sick again."

"Oh, Lou, don't worry, he will be fine, where is he anyway? I really want to meet him, he is so cute, you know? Well, at least from the photo you send on social media."

Louis chuckle a little, but soon turn into a coughing fit. Zayn pat his back soothingly, until Louis stop and breath in relieve.

Unfortunately, for the next hours, Louis still throwing up constantly, until  finally Zayn call a doctor.

Apparently he caught Freddie's bug days ago. Fortunately, his son is at Louis's mom now, so, the risk of getting Freddie sick again is very little, and Louis feels relieve about that.

But Zayn feels rather disappointed, because he couldn't see Freddie straightaway.

The doctor said, better Freddie stay at his grandma for a little longer, to prevent him to getting sick again.

"I'm so sorry you couldn't meet Freddie right now, Z."

"It's okay, Lou. I understand. For now, just please focus on your health, alright?"

"Yes, Z. Thank you."

"Your welcome, Lou."

After that, Zayn taking care of Louis patiently, until his health is 100%, and he is back to his feet in just a couple of days.


A/N : Finally! I updates again, even it still one chapter, and I hope Freddie is always health. This is just my imagination anyway.

Thank you for still reading my stories!



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