Kiss You

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"Why did you always wrong! Try again!" Bob, the cameraman, yell angrily at One Direction.

They making a video clip of Kiss You. But until several times, the video clip not done either. There's always be a mistake, mostly from the boys.

"Uhm...Bob? Can we take a break for a while? We're so tired. I'm afraid if-.."

"No!" Bob cut Liam off still angrily.

Liam wince at his tone. His gaze lock to his friends. They just bow in shame, Louis tough, seems exhausted and rather pale. But what must they do again? They're trying hard enough, but still.

"Bob, I know this is our fault, and I'm sorry, but-..."

"No! No! No! Try again!"

They sigh in defeat. Finally, they're making the video clip again.

At first, all the part done smoothly. But there's a mistake at the part when Louis stand up and fall from the car sideways. (a/n: sorry if it's wrong. I don't really remember the video clip, too lazy to search again)

Instead of counterfeit, Louis is really fall to the ground with a cry of pain.

The boys stop immediately, and rush to him.

"Hey! What-..."

Bob start to yell again, but this time he cut off by Liam's anger yell.

"Enough, Bob! We're done!"

"But you can't just stop-..."

"We don't care!!!"

The boys yell angrily at him. Bob taken aback by their mad. He turn his gaze to Louis whose now clutch his nose that bleeding furiously.

"Shit! I'm so sorry, boys. I'll take the first aid kit now."

Bob run out from there hurriedly.

Louis now close his eyes. He feel so dizzy, maybe because he lost much enough blood.

"Louis? You okay?" Harry ask worriedly.

"So dizzy."

Louis turn sideways. He try to hold the nausea that start to hit him.

Niall rip his shirt and press it to Louis nose, to stop the bleeding. Louis then let out a loud gag, but nothing came out from his mouth.

Zayn and Harry rubs his back soothingly.

"Don't hold it, Lou. Just let it out," Harry try to comfort him.

"Can't. There's nothing in my stomach."

"What do you mean?" Zayn ask in confusion and worried sensation.

The other boys throw him the same gaze like Zayn.

"I don't eat yet today."

"What!" They said in startle.

"I'm in a hurry this morning."

They just sigh in disappointed.

"I'm sorry, guys. Ugh, why Bob is taking a long time?"

Just then Bob back and treat Louis immediately.

"I'm sorry, Lou, guys. I didn't mean to hurt you like that."

"It's okay, Bob. I know you're tired too. Maybe that's why you're so emotional today. We're sorry."

The other nodded slowly.

"It's alright. Now, let's just go home. We can continue this any other time. Louis? You okay now?"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine."

"Then come on," Bob help Louis up before pat his shoulder and lead them out.

Suddenly, Niall let out a chuckle. Louis turn to him in confusion.

"What's so funny, Ni?"

Niall then sing,"let me-kiss-the ground."

The other burst in laughter.

"Niaall! Guuys!"

Louis whining like a child, but then burst in laughter too. Niall put his arm around his shoulder and guide him out, still chuckling until they get in the car and go home.

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