The Crash

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Louis wipe his tears again. He remember last night, when he was visiting his father. He was just trying to help him, but seems like his father not appreciate him.

Instead, his father always insult him. Like call him useless, worthless, even he call him a son that unhoped-for.

It's really hurt to heard that words from his own father. But the thing that more hurt is,his father also insult his mother whose already died years ago.

Louis let out a loud sobs. This time he don't care if there's somebody whose see him like this. Usually, he always try to seems cheerful in front of another people, including the boys, but right now he's too broken to let out a cheerful demeanor.

Luckily, this time none of the boys visit his flat until almost night. Usually, once in a while, one or two of the boys come to visit him.

When he already calm a little, he decide to go out for a while, just for refreshen his brain and heart.

He still drive slowly, wiping his tears that still drop sometimes, when a black car suddenly appear and hit his side until his car pushed aside before collide with the building at the edge of the street.

A horrible pain hit his legs, causing him to let out a bloodcurdling scream. He heard some vague voices like 'are you okay', or whatever it sounds. He's in too much pain to care.

"J-just call...Paul Higgins...p-please...Paul-"

He try to talk before fall in the dark bit by bit, until someone pat his cheek.

"-ouis, Louis, please wake up, son, don't fall asleep, alright?"

Louis open his eyes.


"Yes, it's me. Can you hop on my back?"

Louis try to sit up and hop on his back, but failed. He fall again on the ground.

"Can't.....I can't feel my legs....I can't....want to sleep."

"No! No! Just hold on, okay? I will squat in front of you. Just put your hands on my shoulder, alright? You can do it, come on."

Louis try to obey Paul's order. However, with some difficulty, Louis finally can hop on his back.

"Good, son. You're a clever boy. Come on, we must get out of here."

"I'm not clever. I'm worthless, useless," Louis mumbling lowly.

"What?" Paul frown his eyebrows.

"Want to sleep. Can I sleep? So tired."

"Uh, okay, okay. You can sleep now."

Louis not answer again, he already sleep, but Paul still confuse,'worthless? useless?'

When Louis awaken, somebody caressing his hair gently. He open his eyes, but turn away immediately.

"What are you doing?" He ask coldly.

The person let out a sob.

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