Love Teacher

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A/N: Hi again, readers! Finally, I can add a picture now...fiuhh....

Anyway, maybe this is the last chapter in this story. I don't know if I want to add some new chapters in the future, but thank you for reading and for the votes.

See you...


Louis's awaken by his phone ringing. He groan loudly.

'Who's the hell call me in my break time?'

He's sit up to reach his handphone on the nightstand, but stop immediately when the room spinning around. He close his eyes, trying to lessen his dizziness.

'Damn head', he curse to himself while grab the phone that still ringing.


"Hello? Lou? I need your help, Lou. Can I come?"

Louis groan inwardly, again. He's really don't want to heard Niall's story about his relationship with his girlfriend today.

Yes, along this time Louis can be called as Niall's love teacher, cause Niall always talk about his love life to him, but not to another boys, even to Liam, their so called daddy direction.

But today Louis just really not in the mood to doing everything, even if it's just talk.

He really didn't feel well recently, often attacked by the headache, dizziness, even tiredness, and now he feels a little nauseous.


"Oh...sorry, Ni. I'm not in the mood to hear your story today. I-..."

"But, Lou, this is really really important to me."

"Yes, I know, but-..."

"What if she leaves me? I can't handle it, Lou."

Niall's voice waver a little. He sounds like he want to cry. But Louis's dizziness and nausea start to increase.

He couldn't concentrate of what Niall's talking about. He massages his temple and grimace in pain.

Above that, Niall still talk about whatever happens.


"And what if my family..."


"I don't know what to do..."

"Would you shut up?!!"

Louis let out a harsh bellow.


Louis close his phone harshly before take a deep breath. He's really nauseous now.

He try to hold it back, but it's no use. And a few minutes later he already crouch in front of the toilet, puking his guts out.

Toward the afternoon, his door bell ringing, but Louis is busily emptying his stomach contents, again, in the kitchen sink. He seems couldn't stop. So, he can't open the door.

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